佛国 (佛國) fóguó
Buddha Land
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
a Buddha land
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: buddhakṣetra; see 佛土 (FGDB '佛土') -
fó guó
country of the Buddha's birth
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: See 佛土 (FGDB '佛土')
Contained in
- 佛国品(佛國品) Buddha Lands chapter
- 佛光会员信条 1.我们礼敬常住三宝,正法永存佛光普照; 2.我们信仰人间佛教,生活美满家庭幸福; 3.我们实践生活修行,随时随地心存恭敬; 4.我们奉行慈悲喜舍,日日行善端正身心; 5.我们尊重会员大众,来时欢迎去时相送; 6.我们具有正知正见,发掘自我般若本性; 7.我们现证法喜安乐,永断烦恼远离无明; 8.我们发愿普度众生,人间净土佛国现前。(佛光會員信條 1.我們禮敬常住三寶,正法永存佛光普照; 2.我們信仰人間佛教,生活美滿家庭幸福; 3.我們實踐生活修行,隨時隨地心存恭敬; 4.我們奉行慈悲喜捨,日日行善端正身心; 5.我們尊重會員大眾,來時歡迎去時相送; 6.我們具有正知正見,發掘自我般若本性; 7.我們現證法喜安樂,永斷煩惱遠離無明; 8.我們發願普度眾生,人間淨土佛國現前。) Guidelines For BLIA Members 1. We pay homage to the Triple Gem with reverence and actively devote our lives to the propagation of Buddhism. 2. We uphold the principle of Humanistic Buddhism and wish everyone health and happiness. 3. We practice the Buddhist teaching in everyday life and always maintain a devout and solemn heart. 4. We cultivate compassion, wisdom, and diligence for the benefit of all beings. 5. We respect our members and greet them warmly on every occasion. 6. We develop the wisdom that is within ourselves through “right understanding” and “right view.” 7. We experience the joy of Dharma through the eradication of ignorance and defilements. 8. We commit ourselves to the liberation of all beings from suffering and the creation of a pure land on Earth.
- 其佛国土有如是等无量功德庄严成就(其佛國土有如是等無量功德莊嚴成就) So immense are the good qualities that Buddha-field will be possessed of. ; So immense are the good qualities that Buddha-field will be possessed of
- 一佛国土(一佛國土) one Buddha world
- 佛国记(佛國記) Records of the Buddha Kingdom ; A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms; Fa Xian's Pilgrimage to India
- 人间佛国(人間佛國) Buddha Land in the Human World - The Making of the Buddha Memorial Center
- 以无尽灯传承后代 以自性佛觉悟心性 以三法印印证佛法 以四圣谛统摄信心 以五乘法贯穿佛法 以六度门进入佛国 以七觉支开展智慧 以八正道圆满修证(以無盡燈傳承後代 以自性佛覺悟心性 以三法印印證佛法 以四聖諦統攝信心 以五乘法貫穿佛法 以六度門進入佛國 以七覺支開展智慧 以八正道圓滿修證) Pass the inextinguishable light to future generations. Awaken yourself with your intrinsic Buddha-nature. Authenticate all teachings with the Three Dharma Seals. Crystallize your faith with the Four Noble Truths. Penetrate all teachings with the Five Vehicles. Enter the Buddha land through the door of the Six Perfections. Unfold your wisdom with the Seven Factors of Enlightenment. Perfect your practices and understanding through the Noble Eightfold Path.
- 风清月明禅门静 春暖花开佛国香(風清月明禪門靜 春暖花開佛國香) Clear breeze, bright moon, peaceful Chan monastery; Warm spring, blooming flowers, fragrant Buddha land.
- 佛国净土(佛國淨土) The Kingdom of Buddha, a Pureland
- 阿閦佛国经(阿閦佛國經) Akṣobhya Buddha-Field Sutra
- 佛国寺(佛國寺) Bulguksa
- 十数佛法 一心二门捐除真妄 二谛圆融缘起中道 三学增上入如来家 四大皆空示现诸有 五戒受持人天佛国 六波罗蜜自度利他 七菩提分增长智慧 八功德水清凉甘露 九品莲生花开见佛 十大愿王圆满佛道(十數佛法 一心二門捐除真妄 二諦圓融緣起中道 三學增上入如來家 四大皆空示現諸有 五戒受持人天佛國 六波羅蜜自度利他 七菩提分增長智慧 八功德水清涼甘露 九品蓮生花開見佛 十大願王圓滿佛道) List of Ten Dharmas One Mind and its Two Aspects can eliminate both the genuine and the deceptive. Two Truths can harmonize dependent origination and the Middle Path. Threefold Training can guide one into the Tathagata's home. Four Elements can manifest emptiness through all forms of existence. Five Precepts help manifest the Buddha land in this world. Six Perfections can benefit both self and others. Seven Factors of Bodhi can enhance the growth of wisdom. Eight Merits Water is the nectar of soothing dew. Nine Stages of Lotus Incarnation enables buddhas to emerge from blooming lotuses. Ten Great Vows can enable the attainment of Buddhahood.
- 佛国灵山(佛國靈山) Buddha Kingdom, Spiritual Mountain
- 佛国之旅(佛國之旅) Journey to the Buddha Lands
- 无数佛国(無數佛國) countless Buddha lands
- 佛国土(佛國土) buddhakṣetra; a Buddha land ; Buddha's country
- 内心可成瞋恨的黑洞 内心可成焚烧的火窟 内心可成烦恼的牢笼 内心可成毁灭的原由 内心可成励志的力量 内心可成光明的天地 内心可成喜舍的乐园 内心可成佛国的通道(內心可成瞋恨的黑洞 內心可成焚燒的火窟 內心可成煩惱的牢籠 內心可成毀滅的原由 內心可成勵志的力量 內心可成光明的天地 內心可成喜捨的樂園 內心可成佛國的通道) The mind can turn into an abyss of anger. The mind can turn into a burning furnace. The mind can turn into a prison of affliction. The mind can turn into a cause for destruction. The mind can turn into a power of motivation. The mind can turn into a world of shining light. The mind can turn into a land of joy and generosity. The mind can turn into a path to Buddha land.
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 3 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing) 無量清淨平等覺經 — count: 53
- Scroll 1 Vimalakīrti Sūtra (Fo Shuo Weimojie Jing) 佛說維摩詰經 — count: 52
- Scroll 1 Wei Mo Jing Lue Shu 維摩經略疏 — count: 43
- Scroll 1 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Amituo Sanyesan Fo Saloufo Tan Guodu Rendao Jing) 阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經 — count: 42
- Scroll 2 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing) 無量清淨平等覺經 — count: 35
- Scroll 2 Wei Mo Jing Lue Shu 維摩經略疏 — count: 34
- Scroll 4 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing) 無量清淨平等覺經 — count: 31
- Scroll 1 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing) 無量清淨平等覺經 — count: 27
- Scroll 3 Wei Mo Jing Lue Shu Chui Yu Ji 維摩經略疏垂裕記 — count: 20
- Scroll 10 Wei Mo Jing Lue Shu 維摩經略疏 — count: 18
- 佛国中 (佛國中) 其佛國中令無臭穢 — Dasheng Bei Fen Tuo Li Jing (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra) 大乘悲分陀利經, Scroll 3 — count: 20
- 沙佛国 (沙佛國) 釋迦文佛便以此華散於東方恒邊沙佛國 — Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā Sūtra 放光般若經, Scroll 1 — count: 14
- 无量佛国 (無量佛國) 如是十方無量佛國 — Dasheng Bei Fen Tuo Li Jing (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra) 大乘悲分陀利經, Scroll 1 — count: 12
- 他方佛国 (他方佛國) 復生他方佛國天下惡道中 — Creation and Destruction of the World (Da Lou Tan Jing) 大樓炭經, Scroll 6 — count: 12
- 十亿佛国 (十億佛國) 十方世界十億佛國微塵數世界 — Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經, Scroll 27 — count: 10
- 佛国想 (佛國想) 亦復不生遊佛國想 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 54 — count: 10
- 净佛国 (淨佛國) 念欲淨佛國故 — Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā Sūtra 放光般若經, Scroll 4 — count: 10
- 无边佛国 (無邊佛國) 攝受無邊佛國大願 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 1 — count: 9
- 佛国微尘数 (佛國微塵數) 十方世界十億佛國微塵數世界 — Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經, Scroll 27 — count: 7
- 佛国中人 (佛國中人) 菩薩摩訶薩欲使恒邊沙佛國中人悉具足行六波羅蜜者 — Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā Sūtra 放光般若經, Scroll 1 — count: 5