金革 jīngé
sword and armor; weaponry
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 武器 (Guoyu '金革' 1) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 战争 (Guoyu '金革' 2)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 31 Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律 — count: 2
- Scroll 17 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 33 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Nian Fo Sanmei Bao Wang Lun 念佛三昧寶王論 — count: 1
- Scroll 28 Song Biographies of Eminent Monks 宋高僧傳 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 16 Song Biographies of Eminent Monks 宋高僧傳 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 30 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 14 Song Biographies of Eminent Monks 宋高僧傳 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 32 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1