佛光 fó guāng
fó guāng
set phrase
the glory of the Buddha
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '佛光' 1) -
fó guāng
Buddha' halo
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '佛光' 2) -
fó guāng
brocken spectre
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Optics
Notes: A natural halo in mountain light (CCD '佛光' 3) -
fó guāng
proper noun
Buddha's Light
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
fó guāng
proper noun
Fo Guang
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: Short for 佛光山 (Fo Guang Shan) a Buddhist temple and school based in Taiwan (https://www.fgs.org.tw/en/)
Contained in
- 佛光人行事规范 集体创作,制度领导; 非佛不作,唯法所依。(佛光人行事規範 集體創作,制度領導; 非佛不作,唯法所依。) Work by collective effort, lead by a system. Do what is in accordance with Buddha, and rely on nothing but the Dharma.
- 佛光教科书 10:宗教概说(佛光教科書 10:宗教概說) Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism: Introduction to Religious Doctrines
- 国际佛光会世界大会(國際佛光會世界大會) BLIA World Headquarters General Conference
- 佛光山新春告白 Letters to Dharma Protectors and Friends
- 美国佛光出版社(美國佛光出版社) Buddha's Light Publications (U.S.A.) f.k.a. Buddha's Light Publishing
- 佛光一滴 Fo Guang Waterdrop Tea House 1
- 佛光亲属会(佛光親屬會) Fo Guang Family Gathering
- 佛光山重启山门(佛光山重啟山門) Fo Guang Shan Mountain Gate Re-opening Ceremony
- 佛光山人间佛教本山徒众学术研讨会(佛光山人間佛教本山徒眾學術研討會) Academic Conference on Humanistic Buddhism for Members of the Fo Guang Shan Order
- 佛光山之歌 The Song of Fo Guang Shan
- 专家学者看佛光山(專家學者看佛光山) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars
- 佛光小姐 Fo Guang Lady
- 佛光法水 如意吉祥 Buddha’s Light and Dharma Stream; Luck and Auspiciousness
- 佛光三昧修持法 Buddha’s Light Samadhi Practice
- 佛光楼(佛光樓) Fo Guang Building
- 国际佛光会世界总会理事会议(國際佛光會世界總會理事會議) BLIA World Headquarters Board of Directors Meeting
- 佛光文化 Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise
- 白佛光度母 White Tara; Kanakavarna Tara
- 佛光大佛分香我家 Bringing Home the Fo Guang Big Buddha
- 佛光教科书 2:佛教的真理(佛光教科書 2:佛教的真理) Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism: Buddhist Teachings
- 佛光大学(佛光大學) Fo Guang University (FGU) ; Fo Guang University
- 佛光山大慈育幼院 FGS Da Ci Children’s Home
- 佛光大辞典增订版(佛光大辭典增訂版) The Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism―Revised Edition
- 财团法人佛光山人间佛教研究院(財團法人佛光山人間佛教研究院) FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism
- 佛光山封山典礼(佛光山封山典禮) Fo Guang Shan Mountain Gate Sealing Ceremony
- 国际佛光日(國際佛光日) International Buddha's Light Day
- 佛光会(佛光會) Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)
- 专家学者看佛光山 2:人间佛教实践(專家學者看佛光山 2:人間佛教實踐) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars: Actualization of Humanistic Buddhism
- 佛光山佛教青年学术会议(佛光山佛教青年學術會議) FGS Buddhist Youth Academic Conference
- 佛光山电子大藏经(佛光山電子大藏經) FGS Buddhist Electronic Texts
- 佛光联合诊所(佛光聯合診所) 1. Fo Guang United Clinic; 2. Fo Guang Clinic
- 佛光大学百万人兴学运动─行脚托钵(佛光大學百萬人興學運動─行腳托缽) Fo Guang University Million-Member Fundraising Campaign Alms Procession
- 佛光山的性格 1.人间的喜乐性格 2.大众的融和性格 3.艺文的教化性格 4.菩萨的发心性格 5.慈悲的根本性格 6.方便的行事性格 7.国际的共尊性格 8.普世的平等性格(佛光山的性格 1.人間的喜樂性格 2.大眾的融和性格 3.藝文的教化性格 4.菩薩的發心性格 5.慈悲的根本性格 6.方便的行事性格 7.國際的共尊性格 8.普世的平等性格) The Characteristics of Fo Guang Shan 1. Humanistic characteristic of joy and happiness 2. Harmonious characteristic of fellowship 3. Transformative characteristic of literature and culture 4. Aspirational characteristic of the bodhisattvas 5. Fundamental characteristic of compassion 6. Practical characteristic of skillful means 7. Global characteristic of coexistence and respect 8. Universal characteristic of equality
- 佛光山春节平安灯会(佛光山春節平安燈會) FGS Festival of Light And Peace
- 佛光山住持 Head Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery
- 佛光山民众图书馆(佛光山民眾圖書館) FGS Public Library
- 佛光山信徒香会(佛光山信徒香會) Fo Guang Shan Devotees' Gathering
- 佛光山云水书坊2014我爱阅读儿童征文(佛光山雲水書坊2014我愛閱讀兒童徵文) 2014 I Love Reading: Cloud And Water Mobile Library Children's Writing Competition Awards Ceremony
- 国际佛光会世界总会会员代表大会(國際佛光會世界總會會員代表大會) BLIA General Conference
- 金身合璧‧佛光普照—河北幽居寺佛首捐赠仪式(金身合璧‧佛光普照—河北幽居寺佛首捐贈儀式) Universal Shining of Buddha's Light: the Sacred Reunion - Presentation Ceremony of the Buddha's Head Statue to Youju Temple, Hebei Province, China
- 专家学者看佛光山 1:人间佛教思想(專家學者看佛光山 1:人間佛教思想) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars: Theory of Humanistic Buddhism
- 佛光教科书(佛光教科書) Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism
- 中巴佛光康宁医院(中巴佛光康寧醫院) Hospital Los Angeles Paraguay-China
- 佛光医院(佛光醫院) Buddha's Light Medical Clinic
- 话说佛光山(話說佛光山) Fo Guang Shan: Retrospection
- 佛光教科书 1:佛法僧三宝(佛光教科書 1:佛法僧三寶) Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism: The Triple Gem
- 1. 佛光人要发挥集体创作的成就 2. 佛光人要坚守非佛不作的信念 3. 佛光人要认同制度领导的精神 4. 佛光人要遵从唯法所依的准则(1. 佛光人要發揮集體創作的成就 2. 佛光人要堅守非佛不作的信念 3. 佛光人要認同制度領導的精神 4. 佛光人要遵從唯法所依的準則) 1. Fo Guang members should accomplish by collective effort. 2. Fo Guang members should believe in doing only what is in accord with Buddhism. 3. Fo Guang members should recognize the spirit of leadership by system. 4. Fo Guang members should abide by the principle of relying on nothing but the Dharma.
- 佛光山大学校长论坛(佛光山大學校長論壇) Fo Guang Shan University Presidents Forum
- 佛光菩提迦耶育幼院 Buddha's Light Children's Home In Bodhgaya
- 佛光缘文化广场(佛光緣文化廣場) Fo Guang Yuang Yuan Cultural Square
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 7 Bhadrakalpikasūtra (Xian Jie Jing) 賢劫經 — count: 96
- Scroll 1 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing) 無量清淨平等覺經 — count: 20
- Scroll 3 Kuśalamūlasamparigraha (Fo Shuo Hua Shou Jing) 佛說華手經 — count: 19
- Scroll 5 Kuśalamūlasamparigraha (Fo Shuo Hua Shou Jing) 佛說華手經 — count: 16
- Scroll 9 A Biography of the Tripitaka Master of the Great Ci'en Monastery of the Great Tang Dynasty 大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 — count: 13 , has English translation
- Scroll 2 Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經 — count: 11
- Scroll 1 Si Shamen Xuan Zang Shang Biao Ji 寺沙門玄奘上表記 — count: 8
- Scroll 2 Bao Wang Sanmei Nian Fo Zhi Zhi 寶王三昧念佛直指 — count: 7
- Scroll 48 A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 佛祖統紀 — count: 7 , has English translation
- Scroll 3 Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經 — count: 6
- 佛光明 (佛光明) 今覩佛光明 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 145
- 清净佛光 (清凈佛光) 無量清淨佛光明最尊第一無比 — Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing) 無量清淨平等覺經, Scroll 1 — count: 24
- 佛光照 (佛光照) 其佛光照三千大千世界 — Dasheng Bei Fen Tuo Li Jing (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra) 大乘悲分陀利經, Scroll 2 — count: 14
- 遇佛光 (遇佛光) 諸遇佛光觸其身者 — Sutra on the Wise and Foolish (Damamūka) 賢愚經, Scroll 4 — count: 12
- 蒙佛光 (蒙佛光) 民人蒙佛光 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 23 — count: 9
- 覩佛光 (覩佛光) 今覩佛光明 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 7
- 寻佛光 (尋佛光) 尋佛光明普見十方殑伽沙等諸佛世界一切如來 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 1 — count: 6
- 人见佛光 (人見佛光) 時彼五人見佛光相威德具足 — Da Zhuangyan Lun Jing (Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā) 大莊嚴論經, Scroll 10 — count: 4
- 现佛光 (現佛光) 現佛光相 — Fa Ju Piyu Jing (Dharmapada) 法句譬喻經, Scroll 1 — count: 3
- 佛光触 (佛光觸) 諸遇佛光觸其身者 — Sutra on the Wise and Foolish (Damamūka) 賢愚經, Scroll 4 — count: 3