愚痴 (愚癡) yúchī
ignorance; stupidity
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '愚癡') -
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: In Buddhism, the third of the three poisons (Tzu Chuang 2012)
Contained in
- 三毒; 1. 贪毒 2. 瞋毒 3. 愚痴(三毒; 1. 貪毒 2. 瞋毒 3. 愚痴) Three Poisons: 1. the poison of greed; 2. the poison of anger; 3. the poison of ignorance
- 1. 瞋心如狂风 会吹走人缘 2. 愚痴似急流 会捲走幸福 3. 我慢像暗礁 会搁浅前途 4. 嫉妒同巨浪 会淹没理智(1. 瞋心如狂風 會吹走人緣 2. 愚痴似急流 會捲走幸福 3. 我慢像暗礁 會擱淺前途 4. 嫉妒同巨浪 會淹沒理智) 1. Anger is like a storm that sweeps away your affinities. 2. Ignorance is like a swift current that washes away your happiness. 3. Arrogance is like a hidden reef that strands your future. 4. Jealousy is like a tsunami that overwhelms your reason.
- 愚痴斋(愚癡齋) a feast to warn against ignorance
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 53 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 44 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 78 Yogācāryabhūmiśāstra (Yujia Shi Di Lun) 瑜伽師地論 — count: 35
- Scroll 9 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 35 , has parallel version
- Scroll 60 Yogācāryabhūmiśāstra (Yujia Shi Di Lun) 瑜伽師地論 — count: 34
- Scroll 4 Sandhīnirmocanasūtra (Jie Shen Mi Jing) 解深密經 — count: 32
- Scroll 9 Laṅkāvatārasūtra (Ru Lengjia Jing) 入楞伽經 — count: 30
- Scroll 10 Laṅkāvatārasūtra (Ru Lengjia Jing) 入楞伽經 — count: 25
- Scroll 3 Dharmasamuccaya (Zhu Fa Ji Yao Jing) 諸法集要經 — count: 24
- Scroll 47 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 23 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 1 Dharmasamuccaya (Zhu Fa Ji Yao Jing) 諸法集要經 — count: 20
- 愚痴人 (愚癡人) 汝愚癡人 — Beginning of the World (Qi Shi Jing) 起世經, Scroll 4 — count: 81
- 愚痴凡夫 (愚癡凡夫) 世間所有愚癡凡夫 — Sutra on the Merit of Faith in the Buddha (Xin Fo Gongde Jing) 信佛功德經, Scroll 1 — count: 32
- 愚痴生 (愚癡生) 彼一切從愚癡生 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 47 — count: 14
- 多闻愚痴 (多聞愚癡) 謂不多聞愚癡凡夫而作此念 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 7 — count: 11
- 实愚痴 (實愚癡) 汝實愚癡 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 42 — count: 10
- 愚痴憍慢 (愚癡憍慢) 我實愚癡憍慢 — Sutra on the Hell with Walls of Iron; Tie Cheng Nili Jing 鐵城泥犁經, Scroll 1 — count: 10
- 余者愚痴 (餘者愚癡) 餘者愚癡者 — Sutra on the Parable of the Arrow (Cūlamāluṅkyasutta) 箭喻經, Scroll 1 — count: 8
- 说愚痴 (說愚癡) 我今為汝說愚癡法 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 53 — count: 8
- 愚痴人犯 (愚癡人犯) 若愚癡人犯戒不精進 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 7
- 愚痴法 (愚癡法) 我今為汝說愚癡法 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 53 — count: 6