发表 (發表) fābiǎo
verb to issue (a statement); to publish
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '發表'; Guoyu '發表' 2) -
to present a document to a feudal lord
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '發表' 1)
Contained in
- 星云大师佛教歌曲发表会征曲比赛(星雲大師佛教歌曲發表會徵曲比賽) Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Buddhist Songs Composition Contest
- 人间音缘─星云大师佛教歌曲发表会(人間音緣─星雲大師佛教歌曲發表會) Sounds of the Human World - Master Hsing Yun's Buddhist Songs Competition
- 「人间音缘」入围歌曲发表会(「人間音緣」入圍歌曲發表會) Buddhist Songs From Sounds of the Human World Competition
- 「人间音缘─星云大师佛教歌曲发表会」词库(「人間音緣─星雲大師佛教歌曲發表會」詞庫) Lyrics for Sounds of the Human World: Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Buddhist Songs Competition
- 佛光学论文发表会(佛光學論文發表會) Academic Conference on Fo Guang Studies