承 chéng
to bear; to carry; to hold
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Mathews 1931 '承', p. 51; NCCED '承' 1) -
to succeed; to continue
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In this sense 承 has the same meaning as 继承 (Kroll 2015 '承' 3; Mathews 1931 '承', p. 51; NCCED '承' 5; Unihan '承'). -
to accept; to receive; to inherit
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '承' 1; Mathews 1931 '承', p. 50; NCCED '承' 6; Unihan '承') -
to flatter; to honor
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In this sense 承 has the same meaning as 奉承 (Mathews 1931 '承', p. 51) -
to undertake; to assume
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In this sense 承 has the same meaning as 承担 (Mathews 1931 '承', p. 51; NCCED '承' 3). -
to act on orders; to perform; to carry out
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In this sense 承 has the same meaning as 秉承 (Mathews 1931 '承', p. 51) -
to confess
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In this sense 承 has the same meaning as 招认; for example, 承招 to confess to a crime (Mathews 1931 '承', p. 51) -
to attend; to assist; to aid
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 丞 or with the same meaning as 侍奉 (Kroll 2015 '承' 7). -
to acknowledge; to assent to; to acquiesce
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '承' 2) -
to obstruct
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '承' 4) -
to hear it said that
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '承' 5) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '承' 6) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: A part to take load (NCCED '承' 2) -
to be indebted to
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (NCCED '承' 4) -
appointed; adhiṣṭhita
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: adhiṣṭhita, Japanese: jō, or: shō (BCSD '承', p. 540; DJBT '承', p. 425; MW 'adhiṣṭhita'; SH '承', p. 260) -
supported; dhārita
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: dhārita (BCSD '承', p. 540; MW 'dhārita'; SH '承', p. 260)
Contained in
- 承露盘(承露盤) stacked rings; wheel
- 承揽(承攬) to take full control in a contract ; to take full responsibility for something ; to grasp
- 传承(傳承) a continued tradition; an inheritance ; Lineage
- 承先启后(承先啟後) to follow the past and herald the future; part of a historical transition; forming a bridge between earlier and later stages ; Inherit and Inspire
- 承习(承習) Brahmin; Brahman
- 承远(承遠) Cheng Yuan
- 聶承远(聶承遠) Nie Chengyuan
- 日本国承和五年入唐求法目录(日本國承和五年入唐求法目錄) Catalog of a Pilgrimage to Tang in Search of the Dharma in year 5 of the Japanese Jōwa Reign
- 见事推诿的人 必然不能成功 凡事承担的人 定会成就事业(見事推諉的人 必然不能成功 凡事承擔的人 定會成就事業) One who evades responsibilities is unlikely to succeed; One who bears responsibilities is destined to succeed.
- 言说之巧(下) 心内的事少对人说 过去的事不必再说 紧急的事长话短说 重要的事谨慎的说 不懂的事了解再说 别人的事尽量不说 烦琐的事见面再说 准备的事不能漏说 商量的事当面好说 炫耀的事完成再说 快乐的事看场合说 公开的事无须您说 赞美的事应当常说 助人的事一定可说 利众的事公然来说 励志的事着书立说 有益的事到处宣说 应答的事有话当说 承诺的事不要空说 明天的事明日再说(言說之巧(下) 心內的事少對人說 過去的事不必再說 緊急的事長話短說 重要的事謹慎的說 不懂的事了解再說 別人的事儘量不說 煩瑣的事見面再說 準備的事不能漏說 商量的事當面好說 炫耀的事完成再說 快樂的事看場合說 公開的事無須您說 讚美的事應當常說 助人的事一定可說 利眾的事公然來說 勵志的事著書立說 有益的事到處宣說 應答的事有話當說 承諾的事不要空說 明天的事明日再說) The Art of Talking (2) It is better not to talk about the secrets in your mind. There is no need to mention what is already in the past. Speak concisely in moments of urgency. Speak deliberately about important matters. It is important to understand clearly what you are about to say. Refrain from talking about other people's matters. Discuss tedious matters in person. Do not disclose your plans. Negotiation is done best face to face. Never boast about what is not yet finished. Sense the atmosphere before you share good news. Needless to announce what is already known to the public. Praises should be said often. Always make kind deeds known. Talk openly about what is for the greater good. Publish and speak about good inspirations. Spread good news far and wide. Be honest about the promises you have made. Never speak empty words of promise. Leave talks about tomorrow for tomorrow.
- 佛教的传承与宗派的发展(佛教的傳承與宗派的發展) Heritage of Buddhism and the Development of Sects
Also contained in
看承 、 承奉 、 奉承 、 承交 、 承招 、 提示承兑 、 承惠 、 承销商 、 承父业 、 承销 、 承德市 、 禀承 、 承审公堂 、 承托 、 担承 、 承旨 、 承让 、 石承 、 承先 、 承销团 、 承转 、 司马承帧 、 承嗣 、 承租方 、 包承制 、 承元 、 承工 、 承运人 、 承教 、 承蒙关照 、 承认控罪 、 承明 、 承享 、 承德县 、 女继承人 、 承接 、 承当 、 承应 、 承恩 、 承祧
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 2 Shi Shi Ji Gu Lue 釋氏稽古略 — count: 33
- Scroll 4 Shi Shi Ji Gu Lue 釋氏稽古略 — count: 31
- Scroll 1 Sūtra on the Mute Boy (Wuyan Tongzi Jing) 佛說無言童子經 — count: 28
- Scroll 1 Li Dai Fabao Ji 曆代法寶記 — count: 27 , has English translation
- Scroll 2 New Commentary on the Zhao Lun 肇論新疏 — count: 26
- Scroll 1 Zhi Guan Fu Xing Chuan Hong Jue 止觀輔行傳弘決 — count: 24
- Scroll 20 Supplement to the Biographies of Eminent Monks 續高僧傳 — count: 22
- Scroll 2 Guo Qing Bai Lu 國清百錄 — count: 20
- Scroll 5 Record of the Teaching and Practices of Siming (Siming Zunzhe Jiao Xing Lu) 四明尊者教行錄 — count: 19
- Scroll 28 Guang Hong Ming Ji 廣弘明集 — count: 19 , has English translation
- 承佛 (承佛) 阿難承佛意旨 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 27
- 承佛教 (承佛教) 諸清信士即承佛教 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 12
- 承命 (承命) 我等承命未起本座 — The Sage of Men Sutra (Ren Xian Jing) 人仙經, Scroll 1 — count: 9
- 承用 (承用) 必不承用 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 8
- 承迎 (承迎) 前起承迎 — The Story of the Two Brahmins Vāsiṣṭa and Bhāradvāja (Baiyi Jin Chuang Er Poluomen Yuanqi Jing) 白衣金幢二婆羅門緣起經, Scroll 1 — count: 7
- 阿难承 (阿難承) 阿難承佛意旨 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 6
- 起承 (起承) 前起承迎 — The Story of the Two Brahmins Vāsiṣṭa and Bhāradvāja (Baiyi Jin Chuang Er Poluomen Yuanqi Jing) 白衣金幢二婆羅門緣起經, Scroll 1 — count: 5
- 遵承 (遵承) 遵承佛教 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 般泥洹經, Scroll 2 — count: 5
- 承天 (承天) 承天則地 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 佛般泥洹經, Scroll 1 — count: 4
- 承足 (承足) 蓮華承足 — Dafangbian Fo Bao'en Jing 大方便佛報恩經, Scroll 3 — count: 4