积 (積) jī
verb to store
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
Notes: (Guoyu '積' v 1; Kroll 2015 '積' 1, p. 182; Mathews 1931 '積', p. 65; Unihan '積') -
to amass; to accumulate; to collect
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: As in 聚积 (Guoyu '積' v 2; Kroll 2015 '積' 2, p. 182; Mathews 1931 '積', p. 65; Wu and Tee 2015, loc. 809) -
old; long-standing
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '積' adj; Kroll 2015 '積' 3, p. 182) -
to multiply in amount
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '積' 2a, p. 182) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '積' 3a, p. 182) -
accomplishment; achievement
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 绩 (Kroll 2015 '積' 5, p. 182) -
to clog; to block
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 阻滞 (Guoyu '積' v 3; Kroll 2015 '積' 4, p. 182) -
a product
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: Of two or more numbers multiplied together (Guoyu '積' n) -
accumulate; saṃcita
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: saṃcita, or: nicita, Japanese: seki, or: shi, Tibetan: bsags pa (BCSD '積', p. 906; Mahāvyutpatti 'nicitaḥ'; MW 'saṃcita'; SH '積', p. 449; Unihan '積')
Contained in
- 世人二十苦 忍者苦口难言 愚者苦海无边 病者苦不堪言 盲者苦于无光 佞者苦心积虑 孤者苦无照顾 老者苦有代沟 贪者苦求无着 贫者苦雨淒风 邪者苦事无穷 犯者苦陷牢狱 恶者苦果必然 业者苦心经营 师者苦口婆心 达者苦中有乐 勇者苦忍有力 学者苦心研究 勤者苦尽甘来 智者苦能转乐 仁者苦节飘香(世人二十苦 忍者苦口難言 愚者苦海無邊 病者苦不堪言 盲者苦於無光 佞者苦心積慮 孤者苦無照顧 老者苦有代溝 貪者苦求無著 貧者苦雨淒風 邪者苦事無窮 犯者苦陷牢獄 惡者苦果必然 業者苦心經營 師者苦口婆心 達者苦中有樂 勇者苦忍有力 學者苦心研究 勤者苦盡甘來 智者苦能轉樂 仁者苦節飄香) Twenty Pains of Life One who endures finds the pain indescribable. One who is ignorant is trapped in the abyss of suffering. One who is sick is in unspeakable pain. One who is blind is blocked from rays of light. One who is wicked is chained by painstaking plot. One who is in solitude is threatened by loneliness. One who is old is isolated by generation gaps. One who is greedy is deprived of freedom. One who is poor is desolated by rain and cold. One who is evil is trapped in endless suffering. One who is convicted is locked behind bars. One who is unwholesome will never escape suffering. One who is in business is entangled by the tediousness of management. One who is the teacher is willing to advise earnestly and kindly. One who is skillful is able to find joy in hardship. One who is brave has the power to end suffering. One who is well learned is able to commit to his research. One who is diligent can put an end to hardship. One who is wise can turn suffering into happiness. One who is benevolent will leave behind a good name.
- 人生诸苦 悭贪之人伶仃孤苦 挥霍之人求不得苦 懒惰之人千辛万苦 矫情之人嘴甜心苦 麻木之人不知甘苦 执着之人放不下苦 瞋恨之人怨憎会苦 五逆之人倒悬悲苦 风尘之人内心痛苦 流浪之人颠波泪苦 边疆之人穷困辛苦 军中之人战斗累苦 病亡之人爱别离苦 乞讨之人淒凉哀苦 创业之人备尝辛苦 发心之人不辞劳苦 养育之人含辛茹苦 情义之人同甘共苦 勤奋之人不以为苦 慈悲之人喜乐拔苦 喜舍之人济贫救苦 积善之人无有众苦(人生諸苦 慳貪之人伶仃孤苦 揮霍之人求不得苦 懶惰之人千辛萬苦 矯情之人嘴甜心苦 麻木之人不知甘苦 執著之人放不下苦 瞋恨之人怨憎會苦 五逆之人倒懸悲苦 風塵之人內心痛苦 流浪之人顛波淚苦 邊疆之人窮困辛苦 軍中之人戰鬥累苦 病亡之人愛別離苦 乞討之人淒涼哀苦 創業之人備嘗辛苦 發心之人不辭勞苦 養育之人含辛茹苦 情義之人同甘共苦 勤奮之人不以為苦 慈悲之人喜樂拔苦 喜捨之人濟貧救苦 積善之人無有眾苦) The Pains of Life Stinginess and greed cause the pain of loneliness. Extravagance causes the pain of discontent. Laziness causes the pain of hardship. Pretentiousness causes the pain of insincerity. Nonchalance causes the pain of apathy. Stubbornness causes the pain of attachment. Anger causes the pain of unpleasant meetings. The Five Offenses cause the pain of being born as an animal. Prostitution bears the pain of unspeakable torment. Vagrancy causes the pain of displacement. Being on the outlying areas bears the pain of destitution. Being a soldier suffers the pain of battle. Sickness and death suffer the pain of separation from loved ones. Beggardom suffers the pain of desolation. Entrepreneurship suffers the pain of toil and fatigue. Aspiration keeps one immune to painstaking effort. Parents willingly endure the hardships of raising a child. Righteous and loyal ones partake in each other's pains and joys. Diligence keeps one insusceptible to hardship. Compassion relieves others from pain by giving them joy and happiness. Generosity helps those in pain of being poor and needy. Good deeds keep one free from all forms of pain.
- 麦积山石窟艺术学术研讨会(麥積山石窟藝術學術研討會) Academic Conference on the Maiji Shan Cave Arts
- 花积楼阁陀罗尼经(花積樓閣陀羅尼經) Puṣpakūṭadhāraṇīsūtra; Hua Ji Louge Tuoluoni Jing
- 善积山(善積山) Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
- 人生要有些什么? 人生活着要有希望 人生存在要有明天 人生意义要有信仰 人生每天要有工作 人生眼界要有远见 人生前途要有计划 人生做事要有观察 人生方便要有结缘 人生交友要有情义 人生性格要有慈悲 人生发展要有动力 人生处世要有服务 人生行事要有周全 人生存活要有大众 人生活动要有空间 人生积善要有无私 人生评断要有明鉴 人生滋长要有忙碌 人生安危要有思量 人生可否要有智慧(人生要有些什麼? 人生活著要有希望 人生存在要有明天 人生意義要有信仰 人生每天要有工作 人生眼界要有遠見 人生前途要有計劃 人生做事要有觀察 人生方便要有結緣 人生交友要有情義 人生性格要有慈悲 人生發展要有動力 人生處世要有服務 人生行事要有周全 人生存活要有大眾 人生活動要有空間 人生積善要有無私 人生評斷要有明鑒 人生滋長要有忙碌 人生安危要有思量 人生可否要有智慧) The Must Haves in Life We must have hope in order to live. We must have tomorrow in order to exist. We must have faith in order to find meaning. We must have a job to do everyday. We must have perspective in our vision. We must have a plan for the future. We must be observant in completing tasks. We must develop affinities in order to find help. We must show sentiment and loyalty to our friends. We must have compassion in our character. We must find motivation in order to progress. We must offer our service to find our place in this world. We must be considerate in everything we do. We must have affinities in order to survive. We must have space in order to be active. We must be selfless in order to accumulate good. We must be reasonable in our judgment. We must be industrious at growing and improving. We must prepare for sunny and rainy days. We must be wise in saying ‘yes’ and ‘no.’
- 宝积菩萨(寶積菩薩) Ratnākara bodhisattva
- 麦积山石窟(麥積山石窟) Mount Maiji Grottoes
- 香积国(香積國) Land of Fragrance
Also contained in
积祖 、 积非胜是 、 积劳成病 、 叉积 、 积攒 、 点积 、 积案 、 积分榜 、 积食 、 积极抵抗 、 积恶 、 谷积 、 不定积分 、 积久 、 囤积居奇 、 数量积 、 向量积 、 积于忽微 、 积极反应 、 积痼 、 积水 、 积少成多 、 积雪场 、 积年 、 积德累功 、 积郁 、 淤积 、 沉积作用 、 积年累月 、 积体电路卡 、 冲积层 、 麦积区 、 公积金 、 体积单位 、 积甲山齐 、 积云 、 麦积山 、 面积 、 并气积力 、 囤积 、 六方最密堆积 、 外积
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 29 Supplement to the Biographies of Eminent Monks 續高僧傳 — count: 24
- Scroll 2 Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra (Luomojia Jing) 佛說羅摩伽經 — count: 22
- Scroll 581 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 17 , has parallel version
- Scroll 12 Discourse on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論頌疏論本 — count: 17
- Scroll 18 Guang Hong Ming Ji 廣弘明集 — count: 15 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Sutra on the Adornments of the Merit of the Buddha Land of the Great Sage Mañjuśrī / Da Sheng Wenshushili Pusa Fosha Gongde Zhuangyan Jing 大聖文殊師利菩薩佛剎功德莊嚴經 — count: 15
- Scroll 1 Mañjuśrīparipṛcchā (Dasheng Bai Fu Xiang Jing) 大乘百福相經 — count: 14
- Scroll 27 Fa Yuan Zhu Lin 法苑珠林 — count: 14
- Scroll 1 Weimo Yi Ji 維摩義記 — count: 14
- Scroll 2 Si Fen Lu Xingshi Chao Zi Chi Ji 四分律行事鈔資持記 — count: 14
- 木积 (木積) 木積喻 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 11
- 积火 (積火) 炬火之明不如積火 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 20 — count: 9
- 储积 (儲積) 能先儲積 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 6 — count: 6
- 积薪 (積薪) 積薪而燃 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 7 — count: 6
- 积覆 (積覆) 草積覆其身 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 30 — count: 5
- 多积 (多積) 有多積願氏 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 佛般泥洹經, Scroll 2 — count: 5
- 佛积 (佛積) 欲燃佛積 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 4 — count: 4
- 积骨 (積骨) 積骨成山 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 34 — count: 4
- 一积 (一積) 一分一積 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 4 — count: 4
- 贮积 (貯積) 乃為貯積 — The Story of the Two Brahmins Vāsiṣṭa and Bhāradvāja (Baiyi Jin Chuang Er Poluomen Yuanqi Jing) 白衣金幢二婆羅門緣起經, Scroll 2 — count: 4