次第 cìdì
one after another
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Time
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '次第') -
order; sequence
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Time
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '次第') -
order; one after another; anukrama
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: anukrama, or: krama, Tibetan: go rim (BCSD '次第', p. 672; FGDB '次第'; Lasthaus 2002, p. 544; Mahāvyutpatti 'anukramaḥ'; MW 'anukrama'; SH '次第', p. 216) -
begging from one house to the next
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: sāvadāna (BCSD '次第', p. 672; MW 'sāvadāna')
Contained in
- 九次第定 nine graduated concentrations
- 次第缘(次第緣) immediately antecedent condition; samanantarapratyaya
- 次第乞 a round of begging
- 释禅波罗蜜次第法门(釋禪波羅蜜次第法門) Shi Chan Boluomi Cidi Famen
- 法界次第初门(法界次第初門) Fajie Cidi Chu Men ; Introduction to the Sequence of the Boundaries of the Dharma
- 菩提道次第论(菩提道次第論) Lamrim Chenmo; Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightmenent
- 千手观音造次第法仪轨(千手觀音造次第法儀軌) Ritual for the Thousand Hands Avalokitesvara and Steps for Setup; Qian Shou Guanyin Zao Cidi Fa Yi Gui
- 十二头陀行 1. 在阿兰若处 2. 常行乞食 3. 次第乞食 4. 受一食法 5. 节量食 6. 中午后不得饮浆 7. 着弊衲衣 8. 但三衣 9. 冢间住 10. 树下止 11. 露地住 12. 但坐不卧(十二頭陀行 1. 在阿蘭若處 2. 常行乞食 3. 次第乞食 4. 受一食法 5. 節量食 6. 中午後不得飲漿 7. 著弊衲衣 8. 但三衣 9. 冢間住 10. 樹下止 11. 露地住 12. 但坐不臥) Ascetic Practices: 1. living in the wilderness; 2. only eating what is given as alms; 3. collecting alms in order; 4. receiving one meal per day; 5. eating a limited amount; 6. not drinking broth after noontime; 7. wearing robes of cast-off rags; 8. wearing only the three robes; 9. dwelling in cemeteries; 10. staying under a tree; 11. dwelling in an open place; 12. only sitting and not lying down
- 法界次第 Sequence of the Boundaries of the Dharma
- 大乘入道次第 Dasheng Ru Dao Cidi
- 大圣妙吉祥菩萨秘密八字陀罗尼修行曼荼罗次第仪轨法(大聖妙吉祥菩薩祕密八字陀羅尼修行曼荼羅次第儀軌法) The Secret Eight Syllable Dharani and Mandala Practice of the Great Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva; Da Sheng Miao Jixiang Pusa Mimi Ba Zi Tuoluoni Xiuxing Mantuluo Cidi Yi Gui Fa
- 大毘卢遮那经供养次第法疏(大毘盧遮那經供養次第法疏) Da Piluzhena Jing Gongyang Cidi Fa Shu
- 菩提道次第广论(菩提道次第廣論) Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment ; Lamrim Chenmo; The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightmenent
- 都表如意摩尼转轮圣王次第念诵秘密最要略法(都表如意摩尼轉輪聖王次第念誦祕密最要略法) Summary List of Cintāmaṇi Chakravarti Raja Recitation and Rituals; Dou Biao Ruyi Moni Zhuanlun Sheng Wang Cidi Niansong Mimi Zui Yao Lue Fa
- 略释新华严经修行次第决疑论(略釋新華嚴經修行次第決疑論) Lue Shi Xin Huayan Jing Xiuxing Cidi Jue Yi Lun
- 供养次第法中真言行学(供養次第法中真言行學) training for offerings and mantra practice
- 世间自然的法则 春花秋月是季节的美景 地水火风是宇宙的条件 江湖河海是大地的活力 人我是非是社会的现象 喜怒哀乐是感受的表情 悲欢离合是自然的状况 老病死生是生命的循环 善恶报应是因果的法则 贫富贵贱是人生的际遇 福禄寿喜是生存的愿望 功成名就是勤奋的成绩 瞋恨嫉妒是情绪的恶习 忠孝仁爱是伦理的要素 成住坏空是事物的无常 礼义廉耻是做人的根本 悲智愿行是修行的纲目 忍辱持戒是自我的要求 信解行证是行者的次第 惭愧忏悔是内心的净化 慈悲喜舍是菩萨的心肠(世間自然的法則 春花秋月是季節的美景 地水火風是宇宙的條件 江湖河海是大地的活力 人我是非是社會的現象 喜怒哀樂是感受的表情 悲歡離合是自然的狀況 老病死生是生命的循環 善惡報應是因果的法則 貧富貴賤是人生的際遇 福祿壽喜是生存的願望 功成名就是勤奮的成績 瞋恨嫉妒是情緒的惡習 忠孝仁愛是倫理的要素 成住壞空是事物的無常 禮義廉恥是做人的根本 悲智願行是修行的綱目 忍辱持戒是自我的要求 信解行證是行者的次第 慚愧懺悔是內心的淨化 慈悲喜捨是菩薩的心腸) The Law of Nature Spring flowers and autumn moon are splendors of the seasons. Earth, water, wind, and fire are elements of the universe. Rivers and oceans are vigors of the Earth. Gossip and conflicts are phenomena of society. Joy, anger, sadness, and happiness are expressions of emotions. Parting sorrows and joyful unions are a natural part of life. Old age, sickness, death, and rebirth are the cycle of life. Good and bad karmic retributions are the rules of cause and effect. Wealth and poverty are blessings of life. Happiness and good fortune are the basic goals in life. Success and fame are the results of hard work and dedication. Hatred and jealousy are the poisons of emotion. Loyalty, dutifulness, benevolence, and kindness are the pillars of ethics. Formation, abiding, deterioration, and extinction are impermanence. Propriety, justice, honesty, and honor are the basis of a human being. Compassion, wisdom, vow, and practice are the essence of attainment. Patience and precepts are ways of self-discipline. Faith, understanding, practice, and realization are steps of cultivation. Shame and repentance are the keys of mind-purification. Kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the spirits of a bodhisattva.
- 居士学佛的次第(居士學佛的次第) Stepping Stones of Learning Buddhism for Lay Practitioners
- 大日经持诵次第仪轨(大日經持誦次第儀軌) Dari Jing Chi Song Cidi Yi Gui; Vairocana Sutra Chanting and Ritual Manual
- 秘密道次第广论(祕密道次第廣論) Ngak rim chenmo; Great Exposition of the Stages of Mantra
- 因缘次第缘(因緣次第緣) cause, objective basis
- 真言大次第 The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra; sngags rim chen mo
- 次第乞食 collecting alms in order
- 焰罗王供行法次第(焰羅王供行法次第) Ritual Offering to Yamaraja; Yanluo Wang Gong Xing Fa Cidi
- 次第禅门(次第禪門) Ci Di Chan Men
- 真言大次第论(真言大次第論) The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra; sngags rim chen mo
- 秘密道次第论(祕密道次第論) Ngak rim chenmo; Great Exposition of the Stages of Mantra
- 普遍大金刚持道次第(普遍大金剛持道次第) Ngak rim chenmo; Great Exposition of the Stages of Mantra
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 6 Abhidharmavibhāṣāśāstra (Apitan Pi Po Sha Lun) 阿毘曇毘婆沙論 — count: 154
- Scroll 20 Dasheng Yi Zhang 大乘義章 — count: 94
- Scroll 5 Abhidharmakośaśāstra (Apidamo Ju She Shi Lun) 阿毘達磨俱舍釋論 — count: 82
- Scroll 10 Saṃyuktābhidharmahṛdaya śāstra 雜阿毘曇心論 — count: 75
- Scroll 3 Zhi Guan Fu Xing Chuan Hong Jue 止觀輔行傳弘決 — count: 63
- Scroll 87 Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (Da Zhi Du Lun) 大智度論 — count: 57 , has English translation
- Scroll 30 Abhidharmavibhāṣāśāstra (Apitan Pi Po Sha Lun) 阿毘曇毘婆沙論 — count: 54
- Scroll 5 Zhi Guan Fu Xing Chuan Hong Jue 止觀輔行傳弘決 — count: 53
- Scroll 1 Shi Chan Boluomi Cidi Famen 釋禪波羅蜜次第法門 — count: 50
- Scroll 8 Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra (Apitan Ba Jiandu Lun) 阿毘曇八犍度論 — count: 49