底哩三昧耶不动尊圣者念诵秘密法 (底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法) dǐ lǐ sānmèi yé bùdòng zūn shèngzhě niànsòng mìmì fǎ
dǐ lǐ sānmèi yé bùdòng zūn shèngzhě niànsòng mìmì fǎ
proper noun
Trisamaya Secret Recollection and Recitation Methods of the Worthy Immovable Wrathful King Envoy
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
, Subdomain: Esoteric Buddhism
, Concept: Sutra 经
Notes: The title of a text in the Chinese Buddhist canon, translated by Amoghavajra in the Tang (Goble 2013, p. 15; Goble 2019, pp. 129-131; T 1201)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 2 Trisamaya Secret Recollection and Recitation Methods of the Worthy Immovable Wrathful King Envoy (Di Li Sanmei Ye Budong Zun Shengzhe Niansong Mimi Fa) 底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法 — count: 2
- Scroll 1 Trisamaya Secret Recollection and Recitation Methods of the Worthy Immovable Wrathful King Envoy (Di Li Sanmei Ye Budong Zun Shengzhe Niansong Mimi Fa) 底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法 — count: 2
- Scroll 2 Summary Catalog of Esoteric Mantras from Numerous Teachers 諸阿闍梨真言密教部類總錄 — count: 1
- Scroll 3 Trisamaya Secret Recollection and Recitation Methods of the Worthy Immovable Wrathful King Envoy (Di Li Sanmei Ye Budong Zun Shengzhe Niansong Mimi Fa) 底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法 — count: 1
- 底哩三昧耶不动尊圣者念诵秘密法卷 (底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法卷) 底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法卷上 — Trisamaya Secret Recollection and Recitation Methods of the Worthy Immovable Wrathful King Envoy (Di Li Sanmei Ye Budong Zun Shengzhe Niansong Mimi Fa) 底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法, Scroll 1 — count: 2