金刚经解义 (金剛經解義) Jīngāng Jīng jiě yì
Jīngāng Jīng jiě yì
proper noun
Exegesis on the Diamond Sutra
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
, Subdomain: Chan Buddhism
Notes: Commentary on the Diamond sūtra by Qing writer Xu Huai Ting 徐槐廷 (X 509)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- The merits of prajñā are incomparable 福智無比分 Diamond Sūtra Discussion — count: 1
- The wondrous practice of non-abiding 妙行無住分 Diamond Sūtra Discussion — count: 1
- No dharmas may be grasped 無法可得分 Diamond Sūtra Discussion — count: 1
- The principle of the unity of appearances 一合理相分 Diamond Sūtra Discussion — count: 1
- Ultimately without self 究竟無我分 Diamond Sūtra Discussion — count: 1
- Leaving form, leaving appearance 離色離相分 Diamond Sūtra Discussion — count: 1
- Introduction to the English commentary on the Diamond Sūtra Diamond Sūtra Discussion — count: 1