欢喜 (歡喜) huānxǐ
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Emotion
Notes: In the sense of 快乐 or 高兴 (FGDB '歡喜'; Guoyu '歡喜') -
to like
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Emotion
Notes: In the sense of 喜爱 (Guoyu '歡喜' 2) -
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
joy; prīti
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: prīti (Dhammajoti 2013, p. 86; MW 'prīti'; SH '歡喜', p. 487) -
proper noun
Ānanda; Ananda
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Concept: One of the Buddha's ten great disciples 十大弟子
Notes: See 阿難 (FGDB '歡喜') -
proper noun
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: nandi, Tibetan: dga' bo; personal name, literally meaning 'the happy one', translates proper names in Sanskrit, such as the name of a pond mentioned in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra (Mahāvyutpatti 'nandaḥ'; MW 'nandi'; T 227, Scroll 10; Conze 1973)
Contained in
- 欢喜自在(歡喜自在) Joyful and Carefree
- 大圣欢喜天(大聖歡喜天) Nandikesvara
- 天龙八部皆欢喜 昼夜六时恒吉祥(天龍八部皆歡喜 晝夜六時恒吉祥) Joy among the Eight Divisions of Nagas; Auspice throughout every hour of the day.
- 与人为善做好事 从善如流说好话 心甘情愿存好念 皆大欢喜做好人(與人為善做好事 從善如流說好話 心甘情願存好念 皆大歡喜做好人) Oblige others by doing good deeds, Do what is right by speaking good words, Be perfectly amenable in thinking good thoughts, Create a win-win situation by being a good person.
- 满口的好话 满面的微笑 满手的善事 满心的欢喜(滿口的好話 滿面的微笑 滿手的善事 滿心的歡喜) Speak a mouthful of good words, Show a face full of smiles, Do a handful of good deeds, Have a heart full of happiness.
- 六根妙用 眼中慈悲人缘好 耳裏善听人增慧 鼻内清爽人健康 口舌赞美人欢喜 身做好事人有益 心性有佛人成道(六根妙用 眼中慈悲人緣好 耳裏善听人增慧 鼻內清爽人健康 口舌讚美人歡喜 身做好事人有益 心性有佛人成道) Making Good Use of the Six Sensory Faculties Compassionate eyes help build good relationships. Patient ears help enhance your wisdom. A clear nose helps ensure good health. A complimenting tongue helps create joy. Beneficial deeds help bring good to others. A Buddha-like mind makes attainment possible.
- 大肚包容,欢喜自在(大肚包容,歡喜自在) with great magnanimity comes joy and perfect ease
- 自欢喜经(自歡喜經) Sampasādanīya Sutta; Sampasādanīyasutta
- 在人间欢喜修行―维摩诘经(在人間歡喜修行―維摩詰經) Joyful Realizations: Vimalakirti Sutra
- 欢喜天(歡喜天) Ganesa; ; Vinayaka; Nandikesvara
- 到处皆是吉祥地 随时可结欢喜缘(到處皆是吉祥地 隨時可結歡喜緣) Every place is an auspicious place, Every moment is a moment of affinity.
- 欢喜踊跃(歡喜踊躍) leaped up with joy
- 欢喜人间(歡喜人間) Joy in the Human World
- 住欢喜园天(住歡喜園天) Nandananivāsinī
- 大圣欢喜双身毘那夜迦天形像品仪轨(大聖歡喜雙身毘那夜迦天形像品儀軌) Ritual of the Image of the Dual-Bodied Deity Vinayaka; Da Sheng Huanxi Shuang Shen Pinayejia Tian Xingxiang Pin Yi Gui
- 生欢喜(生歡喜) giving rise to joy
- 圣欢喜天式法(聖歡喜天式法) Ganesa Ritual; Sheng Huanxi Tian Shi Fa
- 水中捞月,空有欢喜(水中撈月,空有歡喜) the joy of fishing for the moon in the water is a real as emptiness
- 一时与长久 岁月是流转的 文化是千秋的 花开是时节的 青山是常在的 劝导是有限的 守戒是不变的 感受是短暂的 相处是长远的 伤痛是当下的 欢喜是持久的 委屈是暂时的 真相是恒常的 功名是一时的 生命是一世的 生死是瞬间的 愿力是无穷的 妄念是刹那的 佛性是不灭的 因缘是变化的 悟道是永恒的(一時與長久 歲月是流轉的 文化是千秋的 花開是時節的 青山是常在的 勸導是有限的 守戒是不變的 感受是短暫的 相處是長遠的 傷痛是當下的 歡喜是持久的 委屈是暫時的 真相是恆常的 功名是一時的 生命是一世的 生死是瞬間的 願力是無窮的 妄念是剎那的 佛性是不滅的 因緣是變化的 悟道是永恆的) Momentary vs Everlasting Age is fleeting, but culture is timeless. Flowers are seasonal, but mountains are abiding. Counseling is limited, but discipline is sustainable. Feelings are momentary, but relationships are for life. Pain is transient, but joy is perpetual. Misunderstanding is temporary, but Truth is eternal. Fame and gain are short-lived, but life is everlasting. Birth and death are ephemeral, but vows are abiding. Delusion is swift, but Buddha-nature is imperishable. Causes and conditions are changing, but enlightenment is forever.
- 欢喜自在天(歡喜自在天) Nandikesvara
- 欢喜天供(歡喜天供) Ganesa Offering
- 心大欢喜(心大歡喜) pleased, exultant, ravished, joyous, filled with cheerfulness and delight
- 欢喜快乐海(歡喜快樂海) oceans of joy and contentment
- 有计划则不忙 有分工则不乱 有预算则不穷 有欢喜则不苦(有計劃則不忙 有分工則不亂 有預算則不窮 有歡喜則不苦) Thorough planning ensures no haste. Delegation ensures no disorder. Careful provision ensures no destitution. Joy ensures freedom from suffering.
- 欢喜地(歡喜地) Ground of Joy ; the ground of joy
- 处处做好事 时时说好话 念念存好心 欢喜做好人(處處做好事 時時說好話 念念存好心 歡喜做好人) Do good deeds always. Speak good words always. Think good thoughts always. Be a good person readily and joyfully.
- 诸佛欢喜(諸佛歡喜) All Buddhas Joyful
- 欢喜国(歡喜國) Abhirati
- 一加一颂 1. 一晓一天明 2. 一天一日行 3. 一路一条道 4. 一往一来去 5. 一点一开始 6. 一笔一幅画 7. 一手一片天 8. 一笑一欢喜 9. 一生一条命 10. 一人一颗心 11. 一句一赞歎 12. 一家一合相 13. 一默一声雷 14. 一事一种理 15. 一诺一千金 16. 一小一无限 17. 一念一禅法 18. 一空一切色 19. 一花一世界 20. 一叶一如来(一加一頌 1. 一曉一天明 2. 一天一日行 3. 一路一條道 4. 一往一來去 5. 一點一開始 6. 一筆一幅畫 7. 一手一片天 8. 一笑一歡喜 9. 一生一條命 10. 一人一顆心 11. 一句一讚歎 12. 一家一合相 13. 一默一聲雷 14. 一事一種理 15. 一諾一千金 16. 一小一無限 17. 一念一禪法 18. 一空一切色 19. 一花一世界 20. 一葉一如來) Every One Thing 1. Every dawn breaks into a sunrise.
- 欢喜天法(歡喜天法) Ganesa Ritual
- 开发心田 1. 点亮心中明灯 可以照耀人间 2. 开发心中能源 可以增加财富 3. 种植心中禾苗 可以开花结果 4. 发掘心中自性 可以明心悟道 5. 散播心中欢喜 可以广结善缘 6. 觉照心中真理 可以洞彻世间(開發心田 1. 點亮心中明燈 可以照耀人間 2. 開發心中能源 可以增加財富 3. 種植心中禾苗 可以開花結果 4. 發掘心中自性 可以明心悟道 5. 散播心中歡喜 可以廣結善緣 6. 覺照心中真理 可以洞徹世間) Cultivating the Mind When the mind shines, the world also illuminates. When the energy of the mind is charged, wealth also comes. When the mind is cultivated, there will be harvests. When one's intrinsic nature is uncovered, enlightenment is possible. When joy is spread, friendship will be created. When the Truth is realized, insight also arises.
- 大圣欢喜双身大自在天毘那夜迦王归依念诵供养法(大聖歡喜雙身大自在天毘那夜迦王歸依念誦供養法) Liturgy, Refuge, and Offering Ritual of King Vinayaka, the Dual-Bodied Mahasvara; Da Sheng Huanxi Shuang Shen Dazizaitian Pinayejia Wang Guiyi Niansong Gongyang Fa
- 1. 一个真诚的微笑 给人无限的欢喜 2. 一句适当的鼓励 给人无穷的受用 3. 一件慈悲的善行 给人无量的因缘 4. 一则应机的故事 给人无尽的启示(1. 一個真誠的微笑 給人無限的歡喜 2. 一句適當的鼓勵 給人無窮的受用 3. 一件慈悲的善行 給人無量的因緣 4. 一則應機的故事 給人無盡的啟示) A sincere smile offers immeasurable joy. A fitting encouragement offers endless support. An act of compassion offers boundless possibilities. A relevant story offers infinite inspirations.
- 将欢喜布满人间(將歡喜布滿人間) Spread happiness around the world
- 欢喜世界(歡喜世界) Abhirati
- 要做个什么人? 做共生的地球人 做同体的慈悲人 做明理的智慧人 做有力的忍耐人 做布施的结缘人 做欢喜的快乐人 做融和的佛光人 做清净的修道人(要做個甚麼人? 做共生的地球人 做同體的慈悲人 做明理的智慧人 做有力的忍耐人 做布施的結緣人 做歡喜的快樂人 做融和的佛光人 做清淨的修道人) What Kind of Person Should We Be? Be a global person who coexists with others. Be a compassionate person who feels oneness with all. Be a wise person who is reasonable. Be a patient person who is also strong. Be an open person who gives generously. Be a happy person who is also joyful. Be a Buddha's Light member who is also harmonious. Be a spiritual practitioner who is also pure.
- 登欢喜地(登歡喜地) Ascend to the Land of Joy
- 大圣天欢喜双身毘那夜迦法(大聖天歡喜雙身毘那夜迦法) Da Sheng Tian Huanxi Shuang Shen Pi Na Ye Jia Fa ; Ritual of the Dual-Bodied Vinaayaka; Da Sheng Tian Huanxi Shuang Shen Pinayejia Fa
- 欢喜佛(歡喜佛) Buddha of Happiness
- 大药叉女欢喜母并爱子成就法(大藥叉女歡喜母并愛子成就法) Hariti and Beloved Children Accomplishment Ritual; Da Yaochanu Huanxi Mu Bing Ai Zi Chengjiu Fa
- 欢喜与不欢喜(歡喜與不歡喜) Like and dislikes
- 摩诃毘卢遮那如来定惠均等入三昧耶身双身大圣欢喜天菩萨修行秘密法仪轨(摩訶毘盧遮那如來定惠均等入三昧耶身雙身大聖歡喜天菩薩修行祕密法儀軌) Esoteric Ritual on the Practice of the Wisdom Meditation of Mahavairocana Tathagata and Dual-Bodied Vinayaka Bodhisattva; Mohe Piluzhena Rulai Ding Hui Jundeng Ru Sanmeiye Shen Shuang Shen Da Sheng Huanxi Tian Pusa Xiuxing Mimi Fa Yi Gui
- 随时给人信心 随处给人欢喜 随口给人希望 随缘给人方便(隨時給人信心 隨處給人歡喜 隨口給人希望 隨緣給人方便) Always give others faith. Always give others joy. Always give others hope. Always give others convenience.
- 多读好书使自己芳香 多说好话令别人欢喜 多做好事让社会祥和 多发好心增人间美丽(多讀好書使自己芳香 多說好話令別人歡喜 多做好事讓社會祥和 多發好心增人間美麗) Keep reading good books to keep a fragrant mind. Keep speaking good words to bring joy to others. Keep doing good deeds to maintain harmony in society. Keep thinking good thoughts to add beauty to the world.
- 1. 佛光人要给人信心 2. 佛光人要给人欢喜 3. 佛光人要给人希望 4. 佛光人要给人方便(1. 佛光人要給人信心 2. 佛光人要給人歡喜 3. 佛光人要給人希望 4. 佛光人要給人方便) 1. Fo Guang members should give others faith. 2. Fo Guang members should give others joy. 3. Fo Guang members should give others hope. 4. Fo Guang members should give others convenience.
- 祥和欢喜(祥和歡喜) Harmony and Happiness
- 登清凉地 结欢喜缘(登清涼地 結歡喜緣) Ascend to the Refreshing Ground ; Establish Joyous Affinity
- 到处都是清凉地 随时广结欢喜缘(到處都是清涼地 隨時廣結歡喜緣) Every place is a pure place, Every moment is a moment of affinity.
- 人天欢喜(人天歡喜) Joy for Both Heavenly and Human Beings
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 101 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 88 , has parallel version
- Scroll 26 Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 — count: 69 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 58 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 62 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 13 Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 — count: 54 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 9 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 53 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 9 Bodhisattvabhūmi (Pusa Xing Chi Jing) 菩薩地持經 — count: 49
- Scroll 8 Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 — count: 46 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 324 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 46 , has parallel version
- Scroll 16 Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 — count: 46 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 31 Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 — count: 45 , has English translation , has parallel version
- 欢喜奉行 (歡喜奉行) 歡喜奉行 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 29
- 欢喜心 (歡喜心) 歡喜心踊躍 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 17
- 大欢喜 (大歡喜) 復大歡喜 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 7 — count: 11
- 欢喜信受 (歡喜信受) 而不歡喜信受行耶 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 16 — count: 10
- 善心欢喜 (善心歡喜) 善心歡喜 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 22 — count: 9
- 踊跃欢喜 (踴躍歡喜) 諸忉利天皆踊躍歡喜言 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 5 — count: 8
- 怀欢喜 (懷歡喜) 心常懷歡喜 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 8
- 心欢喜 (心歡喜) 使我心歡喜 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 10 — count: 7
- 王欢喜 (王歡喜) 見王歡喜 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 4 — count: 5
- 欢喜欲 (歡喜欲) 歡喜欲見 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 4 — count: 4