阿波罗尔多 (阿波羅爾多) ābōluóěrduō
proper noun
Aparajita; Āṭavaka
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: aparājita; see 無能勝明王 (FGDB '無能勝明王')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 1 Mahāmāyūrīvidyārājñī (Fo Shuo Da Kongque Ming Wang Huaxiang Tan Chang Yi Gui) 佛說大孔雀明王畫像壇場儀軌 — count: 3
- Scroll 2 A Commentary on the Guiding Principle of the Perfection of Insight in the Sūtra on the Unfailing True Vow of the Thunderbolt of Great Bliss (Dale Jingang Bu Kong Zhenshi Sanmei Ye Jing Boreboluomiduo Li Qu Shi) 大樂金剛不空真實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Attainment Ritual Manual (Da Pi Lushena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Lianhua Tai Cang Bei Sheng Mantuluo Guangda Chengjiu Yi Gui) 大毘盧舍那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏悲生曼荼羅廣大成就儀軌 — count: 1