马克斯 (馬克斯) mǎkèsī
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Wikipedia '馬克斯·繆勒')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 1 Great Ānāpānasmṛti Sūtra (Fo Shuo Da Anban Shou Yi Jing) 佛說大安般守意經 — count: 2
- Scroll 52 Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經 — count: 2
- Scroll 1 Ratnameghasūtra (Chu Gai Zhang Pusa Suo Wen Jing) 佛說除蓋障菩薩所問經 — count: 2
- Scroll 2 Sutra on Recitation of the Indescribable Merits of the Buddhas (Fo Shuo Bu Siyi Gongde Zhu Fo Suo Hunian Jing) 佛說不思議功德諸佛所護念經 — count: 2