待人 dàirén
to treat somebody
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Contained in
- 严以律己,宽以待人(嚴以律己,寬以待人) be strict with oneself, yet go easy on others
- 平心静气天真路 待人真诚意味长(平心靜氣天真路 待人真誠意味長) Peaceful and calm, one embarks on the road to simplicity; Sincere and earnest, one establishes timeless affinity.
- 生活要佛法化 信仰要理智化 处世要诚信化 待人要尊重化(生活要佛法化 信仰要理智化 處世要誠信化 待人要尊重化) Let there be Dharma in your life, Let there be rationality in your faith, Let there be honesty in your endeavors, Let there be respect in your relationships.
- 能者十无 1. 从善如流 贤者无恼 2. 思想细密 智者无忧 3. 正直无私 勇者无惧 4. 乐于工作 勤者无惰 5. 人我来往 诚者无欺 6. 解衣推食 义者无悔 7. 敬重父母 孝者无违 8. 给人方便 善者无碍 9. 一心学佛 信者无妄 10. 慈悲待人 仁者无敌(能者十無 1. 從善如流 賢者無惱 2. 思想細密 智者無憂 3. 正直無私 勇者無懼 4. 樂於工作 勤者無惰 5. 人我來往 誠者無欺 6. 解衣推食 義者無悔 7. 敬重父母 孝者無違 8. 給人方便 善者無礙 9. 一心學佛 信者無妄 10. 慈悲待人 仁者無敵) Ten Freedom of the Capable In forging ahead in doing what is right, an eminent one is free of afflictions. In contemplating deliberately, a wise one is free of worries. In being honest and selfless, a brave one is free of fear. In finding joy in one's work, a diligent one is free of indolence. In dealing with people, a sincere one is free of deceit. In relinquishing one's food and clothing, a righteous one is free of regrets. In being respectful to one's parents, a dutiful son is free of defiance. In making things easier for others, a kind one is free of hindrances. In single-heartedly learning the Dharma, a faithful one is free of delusions. In treating others with compassion, a kind one is free of enemies.
- 待人须方圆自在 处世要宽严得宜(待人須方圓自在 處世要寬嚴得宜) Treat others with appropriateness and perfect ease; Face the world by being suitably lenient or strict.
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 2 Chuan Fa Zhengzong Lun 傳法正宗論 — count: 3
- Scroll 19 Zhu Jing Yao Ji 諸經要集 — count: 2
- Scroll 16 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 2
- Scroll 2 Si Fen Lu Xingshi Chao Zi Chi Ji 四分律行事鈔資持記 — count: 2
- Scroll 2 Notes on the Meaning of the Śūraṅgama Sūtra 首楞嚴義疏注經 — count: 2
- Scroll 24 Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (Da Zhi Du Lun) 大智度論 — count: 2 , has English translation
- Scroll 2 Si Fen Lu Shan Fan Bu Que Xingshi Chao 四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva’s Thinking-of-Buddhas as the Perfect Passage (Śūraṅgama Sūtra) 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 9 Da Ban Niepan Jing Yi Ji 大般涅槃經義記 — count: 1
- Scroll 3 Si Fen Lu Shan Fan Bu Que Xingshi Chao 四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔 — count: 1
- 供待人 (供待人) 燒香塗地供待人客 — Si Fen Lu Shan Fan Bu Que Xingshi Chao 四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔, Scroll 3 — count: 4
- 待人客 (待人客) 燒香塗地供待人客 — Si Fen Lu Shan Fan Bu Que Xingshi Chao 四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔, Scroll 3 — count: 4
- 待人说 (待人說) 何待人說 — Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva’s Thinking-of-Buddhas as the Perfect Passage (Śūraṅgama Sūtra) 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經, Scroll 2 — count: 2
- 善意待人 (善意待人) 善意待人是為思 — Miliṇḍapañha (Questions of Miliṇḍa) 那先比丘經, Scroll 2 — count: 2
- 待人伐 (待人伐) 我欲暫牽取二山枕洛水頭待人伐足 — Supplement to the Biographies of Eminent Monks 續高僧傳, Scroll 25 — count: 2
- 要待人 (要待人) 要待人請 — Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (Da Zhi Du Lun) 大智度論, Scroll 7 — count: 2