欢 (歡) huān
adjective happy; pleased; glad
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 喜乐 (Guoyu '歡' adj 1; Kroll 2015 '歡' 1; Unihan '歡') -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '歡' 1; Unihan '歡') -
to be friendly with
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '歡' v 1; Kroll 2015 '歡' 2) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Term of address for a lover (Guoyu '歡' n 1; Kroll 2015 '歡' 3) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 友好 (Guoyu '歡' adj 2) -
pleased; tuṣṭa
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: tuṣṭa, Japanese: kan (BCSD '歡', p. 681; MW 'tuṣṭa'; SH '歡', p. 487; Unihan '歡')
Contained in
- 欢喜自在(歡喜自在) Joyful and Carefree
- 大圣欢喜天(大聖歡喜天) Nandikesvara
- 天龙八部皆欢喜 昼夜六时恒吉祥(天龍八部皆歡喜 晝夜六時恒吉祥) Joy among the Eight Divisions of Nagas; Auspice throughout every hour of the day.
- 与人为善做好事 从善如流说好话 心甘情愿存好念 皆大欢喜做好人(與人為善做好事 從善如流說好話 心甘情願存好念 皆大歡喜做好人) Oblige others by doing good deeds, Do what is right by speaking good words, Be perfectly amenable in thinking good thoughts, Create a win-win situation by being a good person.
- 满口的好话 满面的微笑 满手的善事 满心的欢喜(滿口的好話 滿面的微笑 滿手的善事 滿心的歡喜) Speak a mouthful of good words, Show a face full of smiles, Do a handful of good deeds, Have a heart full of happiness.
- 欢喜(歡喜) joyful ; to like ; joy ; joy; prīti ; Ānanda; Ananda ; Nandi
- 六根妙用 眼中慈悲人缘好 耳裏善听人增慧 鼻内清爽人健康 口舌赞美人欢喜 身做好事人有益 心性有佛人成道(六根妙用 眼中慈悲人緣好 耳裏善听人增慧 鼻內清爽人健康 口舌讚美人歡喜 身做好事人有益 心性有佛人成道) Making Good Use of the Six Sensory Faculties Compassionate eyes help build good relationships. Patient ears help enhance your wisdom. A clear nose helps ensure good health. A complimenting tongue helps create joy. Beneficial deeds help bring good to others. A Buddha-like mind makes attainment possible.
- 大肚包容,欢喜自在(大肚包容,歡喜自在) with great magnanimity comes joy and perfect ease
- 自欢喜经(自歡喜經) Sampasādanīya Sutta; Sampasādanīyasutta
- 佛光会员信条 1.我们礼敬常住三宝,正法永存佛光普照; 2.我们信仰人间佛教,生活美满家庭幸福; 3.我们实践生活修行,随时随地心存恭敬; 4.我们奉行慈悲喜舍,日日行善端正身心; 5.我们尊重会员大众,来时欢迎去时相送; 6.我们具有正知正见,发掘自我般若本性; 7.我们现证法喜安乐,永断烦恼远离无明; 8.我们发愿普度众生,人间净土佛国现前。(佛光會員信條 1.我們禮敬常住三寶,正法永存佛光普照; 2.我們信仰人間佛教,生活美滿家庭幸福; 3.我們實踐生活修行,隨時隨地心存恭敬; 4.我們奉行慈悲喜捨,日日行善端正身心; 5.我們尊重會員大眾,來時歡迎去時相送; 6.我們具有正知正見,發掘自我般若本性; 7.我們現證法喜安樂,永斷煩惱遠離無明; 8.我們發願普度眾生,人間淨土佛國現前。) Guidelines For BLIA Members 1. We pay homage to the Triple Gem with reverence and actively devote our lives to the propagation of Buddhism. 2. We uphold the principle of Humanistic Buddhism and wish everyone health and happiness. 3. We practice the Buddhist teaching in everyday life and always maintain a devout and solemn heart. 4. We cultivate compassion, wisdom, and diligence for the benefit of all beings. 5. We respect our members and greet them warmly on every occasion. 6. We develop the wisdom that is within ourselves through “right understanding” and “right view.” 7. We experience the joy of Dharma through the eradication of ignorance and defilements. 8. We commit ourselves to the liberation of all beings from suffering and the creation of a pure land on Earth.
- 在人间欢喜修行―维摩诘经(在人間歡喜修行―維摩詰經) Joyful Realizations: Vimalakirti Sutra
- 欢喜天(歡喜天) Ganesa; ; Vinayaka; Nandikesvara
- 到处皆是吉祥地 随时可结欢喜缘(到處皆是吉祥地 隨時可結歡喜緣) Every place is an auspicious place, Every moment is a moment of affinity.
- 欢喜踊跃(歡喜踊躍) leaped up with joy
- 欢喜人间(歡喜人間) Joy in the Human World
- 住欢喜园天(住歡喜園天) Nandananivāsinī
- 大圣欢喜双身毘那夜迦天形像品仪轨(大聖歡喜雙身毘那夜迦天形像品儀軌) Ritual of the Image of the Dual-Bodied Deity Vinayaka; Da Sheng Huanxi Shuang Shen Pinayejia Tian Xingxiang Pin Yi Gui
- 生欢喜(生歡喜) giving rise to joy
- 圣欢喜天式法(聖歡喜天式法) Ganesa Ritual; Sheng Huanxi Tian Shi Fa
- 众缘成就平安福 诸事圆满全家欢(眾緣成就平安福 諸事圓滿全家歡) Favorable outcomes are our greatest blessings; All goals fulfilled makes a family joyful.
- 水中捞月,空有欢喜(水中撈月,空有歡喜) the joy of fishing for the moon in the water is a real as emptiness
Also contained in
喜喜欢欢 、 欢迎 、 郁郁寡欢 、 欢呼 、 欢度 、 欢愉 、 欢心 、 欢招 、 招人喜欢 、 欢腾 、 把酒言欢 、 买笑追欢 、 求欢 、 欢畅 、 另觅新欢 、 寻欢 、 成欢 、 不欢而散 、 欢势 、 欢蹦乱跳 、 欢悦 、 讨人喜欢 、 欢快 、 男欢女爱 、 交欢 、 尽欢 、 尽欢而散 、 鱼水之欢 、 欢乐 、 结欢
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 2 Shi Shi Ji Gu Lue 釋氏稽古略 — count: 32
- Scroll 55 Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra (Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun) 阿毘達磨順正理論 — count: 28
- Scroll 21 Notes on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論記 — count: 22
- Scroll 15 Jing Lu Yi Xiang 經律異相 — count: 20
- Scroll 5 Dai Zong Chao Zeng Sikong Da Bian Zheng Guang Zhi San Zang He Shang Biao Zhi Ji 代宗朝贈司空大辨正廣智三藏和上表制集 — count: 14
- Scroll 9 Fo Zu Lidai Tong Zai 佛祖歷代通載 — count: 13
- Scroll 21 Abhidharmakośaśastra (Apidamo Jushe Lun) 阿毘達磨俱舍論 — count: 11 , has English translation
- Scroll 4 Fo Suo Xing Zan (Buddhacarita) 佛所行讚 — count: 11
- Scroll 21 Discourse on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論頌疏論本 — count: 10
- Scroll 21 Commentary on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論疏 — count: 10
- 欢豫 (歡豫) 身心歡豫 — Beginning of the World (Qi Shi Jing) 起世經, Scroll 9 — count: 9
- 同欢 (同歡) 寧可同歡接所娛乎 — Yangjuemo Jing (Aṅgulimālīyasūtra) 佛說鴦掘摩經, Scroll 1 — count: 6
- 心欢 (心歡) 見者心歡 — Ekottarāgama 增壹阿含經, Scroll 39 — count: 5
- 加欢 (加歡) 加歡天 — Pu Yao Jing (Lalitavistara) 普曜經, Scroll 1 — count: 4
- 不喜欢 (不喜歡) 心不喜歡 — Fo Ben Xing Ji Jing (Abhiniṣkramaṇasūtra) 佛本行集經, Scroll 12 — count: 4
- 作欢 (作歡) 來不作歡 — Chu Yao Jing (Udānavarga) 出曜經, Scroll 30 — count: 3
- 增欢 (增歡) 高唱增歡愛 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 42 — count: 3
- 饮食欢 (飲食歡) 飲食歡 — Chu Yao Jing (Udānavarga) 出曜經, Scroll 2 — count: 3
- 欢比丘 (歡比丘) 常歡比丘者 — Xingqi Xing Jing 佛說興起行經, Scroll 2 — count: 3
- 生子欢 (生子歡) 生子歡豫 — Chu Yao Jing (Udānavarga) 出曜經, Scroll 3 — count: 2