青 qīng
adjective green
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Color , Concept: Color 颜色
Notes: In the sense of 绿色 (Guoyu '青' n 1-1; Kroll 2015 '青' 2, p. 370; Unihan '青'; XHZD '青' 1-1) -
proper noun
Domain: Places 地方 , Subdomain: Qinghai , Concept: Province 省
Notes: Abbreviation for 青海 (Guoyu '青' n 4) -
Qing radical
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Radicals
Notes: (Guoyu '青' n 5) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As in 青年 (Guoyu '青' adj 4; Unihan '青'; XHZD '青' 3) -
blue; dark blue
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Color , Concept: Color 颜色
Notes: In the sense of 蓝色 (Guoyu '青' n 1-2; Kroll 2015 '青' 1, p. 370; Unihan '青'; XHZD '青' 1-2) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Color , Concept: Color 颜色
Notes: In the sense of 黑色 (Guoyu '青' n 1-3; XHZD '青' 1-3) -
green vegetation
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 绿色的草木 (Guoyu '青' n 2; XHZD '青' 2) -
shimmering; twinkling
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '青' 3) -
black carp
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Concept: Fish 鱼
Notes: In the sense of 青鱼 or as a variant of 鲭 (Kroll 2015 '青' 4, p. 370) -
bamboo skin
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 竹皮 (Guoyu '青' n 3) -
green; blue
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: nīla, Japanese: shō, Tibetan: sngon po (BCSD '青', p. 1243; DJBT '青', p. 425; Mahāvyutpatti 'nīlam'; MW 'nīla'; SH '青', p. 294)
Contained in
- 家居青天白日下 人在春风和气中(家居青天白日下 人在春風和氣中) Abide beneath the blue sky and shining sun; Live within the soothing breeze of spring and harmony.
- 明月当空春风过 青山不动白云飞(明月當空春風過 青山不動白雲飛) Across the bright moon up high sweeps the spring breeze; Above the sturdy mountains float the white clouds.
- 江山千古秀 大地万年青(江山千古秀 大地萬年青) A thousand years of scenic mountains and rivers; Timeless moments of green exuberance.
- 平安山青家家庆 慈孝人间户户春(平安山青家家慶 慈孝人間戶戶春) Safe in nature's abundance, it is celebration for a family; Love and kindness in the world, it is joy for every home.
- 青袈裟 blue kasaya
- 青目 Piṅgala
- 沧海无风千古月 青天不雨四季云(滄海無風千古月 青天不雨四季雲) Vast tranquil sea, timeless moon; Sunny blue sky, seasonal clouds.
- 青颈观自在菩萨心陀罗尼经(青頸觀自在菩薩心陀羅尼經) Nilakantha Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Heart Dharani Sutra; Qing Jing Guanzizai Pusa Xin Tuoluoni Jing
- 青行 blue kasaya
- 青山原不动 浮云空去来(青山原不動 浮雲空去來) Green mountains remain unmoved; Fleeting clouds come and go.
- 青松社 Qingsong Society
- 国际青年生命禅学营(國際青年生命禪學營) International Youth Seminar on Life and Ch'an
- 天地有情唯日月 古今不老是青山 Between Heaven and Earth, the lonely sentient hearts of the sun and moon; Everlasting in time, the never-aging green mountains.
- 净业真称白 好山不改青(淨業真稱白 好山不改青) White is the true color of pure conduct; Never less green do the Noble Mountains turn.
- 君来问道无余说 云在青天水在瓶(君來問道無餘說 雲在青天水在瓶) Not much to be said on your question about the Way; The clouds are up in the sky and water in the vase.
Also contained in
天青石 、 雪青色 、 青冈 、 青山 、 青苗 、 青黄不接 、 吃青春饭 、 常青 、 青江菜 、 青县 、 青云 、 青红帮 、 青弋江 、 青旌 、 藏青果 、 青楼 、 青旅 、 元青 、 青鼬 、 青藏高原 、 踏青赏花 、 巴青 、 沥青铀矿 、 青青 、 西青 、 拨云雾见青天 、 青山州 、 青头鹦鹉 、 踏青 、 平步青云 、 草大青 、 青秀区 、 新青区 、 青藏线 、 青天霹雳 、 常青藤八校
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 1 Notes on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論記 — count: 46
- Scroll 20 Abhidharmasaṅgītīparyāyapādaśāstra (Apidamo Ji Yi Men Zu Lun) 阿毘達磨集異門足論 — count: 39
- Scroll 7 Commentary on the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra 瑜伽論記 — count: 39
- Scroll 12 Vibhāṣāśāstra (Bing Po Sha Lun) 鞞婆沙論 — count: 34
- Scroll 2 Notes on the Viṁśatikāvṛtti 成唯識論述記 — count: 29
- Scroll 85 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 — count: 28
- Scroll 17 Śāriputrābhidharmaśāstra (Shelifu Apitan Lun) 舍利弗阿毘曇論 — count: 26
- Scroll 13 Commentary on the Compendium of the Abhidharma (Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā) 大乘阿毘達磨雜集論 — count: 23
- Scroll 7 Dasheng Guang Bai Lun Shi Lun 大乘廣百論釋論 — count: 23
- Scroll 18 Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律 — count: 22
- 青琉璃 (青琉璃) 其珠青琉璃色 — Creation and Destruction of the World (Da Lou Tan Jing) 大樓炭經, Scroll 1 — count: 16
- 青红 (青紅) 青紅紫白華 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 佛般泥洹經, Scroll 2 — count: 15
- 青光 (青光) 青光 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 9 — count: 11
- 青见 (青見) 青見 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 9 — count: 9
- 天青 (天青) 南脅天青琉璃 — Creation and Destruction of the World (Da Lou Tan Jing) 大樓炭經, Scroll 5 — count: 9
- 色青 (色青) 外觀色青 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 9 — count: 8
- 青色青 (青色青) 青色青明青見 — Sutra on the Law of Ten Rewards in the Dirghagama (Chang Ahan Shi Bao Fa Jing) 長阿含十報法經, Scroll 2 — count: 7
- 乘青 (乘青) 或乘青車青馬 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 6
- 青车 (青車) 或乘青車青馬 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 5
- 青瘀 (青瘀) 青瘀膖脹 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 5 — count: 5