闹 (鬧) nào
to quarrel
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '鬧'; Guoyu '鬧' v 3; Unihan '鬧') -
to be noisy; to be riotous
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '鬧'; Guoyu '鬧' v 1; Kroll 2015 '鬧' 1, p. 320) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '鬧' 1a, p. 320) -
to happen; to occur
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '鬧' v 2) -
to disturb; to create a disturbance
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '鬧'; Guoyu '鬧' v 4; Unihan '鬧') -
to play with; to joke
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '鬧' v 5) -
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Japanese: tou, or: dou (BCSD '鬧', p. 1289; Unihan '鬧')
Contained in
- 生活乐趣 困难时先忧后乐 失意时苦中想乐 贫苦时知足常乐 落魄时奋起为乐 受罪时忏悔得乐 委屈时放下能乐 忙碌时闹中取乐 饭食时感恩有乐 耕种时收成获乐 休憩时舒服安乐 独处时自得其乐 布施时为善最乐 安居时淡泊自乐 应酬时谈笑共乐 得意时怡然享乐 富贵时与众同乐 团圆时天伦之乐 掌权时助人为乐 日常时平安喜乐 修行时吾有法乐(生活樂趣 困難時先憂後樂 失意時苦中想樂 貧苦時知足常樂 落魄時奮起為樂 受罪時懺悔得樂 委屈時放下能樂 忙碌時鬧中取樂 飯食時感恩有樂 耕種時收成獲樂 休憩時舒服安樂 獨處時自得其樂 布施時為善最樂 安居時淡泊自樂 應酬時談笑共樂 得意時怡然享樂 富貴時與眾同樂 團圓時天倫之樂 掌權時助人為樂 日常時平安喜樂 修行時吾有法樂) The “Fun” about Life Enjoy the sorrow in times of tribulations. Enjoy the pain in times of disappointment. Enjoy the sense of contentment in times of poverty. Enjoy the efforts in times of failure. Enjoy the repentance in times of transgression. Enjoy letting go in times of aggrievement. Enjoy the excitement in times of activity. Enjoy the gratitude in times of eating. Enjoy the harvest in times of cultivation. Enjoy the comfort in times of rest. Enjoy the moments in times of solitude. Enjoy doing good deeds in times of giving. Enjoy the simplicity in times of dwelling at home. Enjoy the friendly exchanges in times of social engagement. Enjoy the happiness in times of success. Enjoy the ability to share in times of wealth. Enjoy the intimacy in times of family reunion. Enjoy the luxury of helping others when in acceptance of power. Enjoy the blessings of safety in ordinary times. Enjoy the joy of Dharma in times of spiritual cultivation.
- 心的功用 闹时练心安静自在 独时慎心不可妄为 乱时定心集中精神 怒时忍心没有差错 伤时疗心恢复健康 劳时专心工作易成 苦时转心化苦为乐 错时改心必能成功 迷时悟心回归正道 妄时真心迷途知返 静时养心禅修增上 坐时观心能知得失 立时守心思前想后 行时小心安全第一 言时留心说话谨慎 学时省心容易成就 动时稳心不会冒失 做时用心易达目标 富时舍心推己及人 睡时放心身心安然(心的功用 鬧時練心安靜自在 獨時慎心不可妄為 亂時定心集中精神 怒時忍心沒有差錯 傷時療心恢復健康 勞時專心工作易成 苦時轉心化苦為樂 錯時改心必能成功 迷時悟心回歸正道 妄時真心迷途知返 靜時養心禪修增上 坐時觀心能知得失 立時守心思前想後 行時小心安全第一 言時留心說話謹慎 學時省心容易成就 動時穩心不會冒失 做時用心易達目標 富時捨心推己及人 睡時放心身心安然) The Mind in Function Train the mind in moments of clamor, remain calm and at ease. Caution the mind in moments of solitude, refrain from thoughtless actions. Concentrate the mind in moments of chaos, stay in focus. Withhold the mind in moments of anger, do not take any wrong steps. Recuperate the mind in moments of hurt, regain good health. Commit the mind in moments of hard work, goals will be accomplished. Transform the mind in moments of pain, turn it into joy. Amend the mind in moments of fault, success is within reach. Awaken the mind in moments of ignorance, return to the righteous path. Keep the mind genuine in moments of confusion, don't stay astray. Nurture the mind in moments of quietude, improve your meditative skills. Contemplate the mind in moments of meditation, remain aware of your gains and losses. Guard the mind in moments of success, be cautious with every step. Alert the mind in moments of motion, safety comes first. Admonish the mind in moments of speaking, be careful with your words. Reflect on the mind in moments of learning, achievement are within reach. Steady the mind in moments of action, don't do anything abrupt. Attend to the mind in moments of work, goals are possible. Let go of the mind in moments of wealth, put yourself in others' shoes. Rest the mind in moments of sleep, gain mental and physical peace.
- 闹时鍊心 静时养心 坐时守心 行时验心 言时省心 动时治心(鬧時鍊心 靜時養心 坐時守心 行時驗心 言時省心 動時治心) Train the mind in moments of clamor. Tame the mind in moments of stillness. Guard the mind in moments of rest. Test the mind in moments of practice. Reflect on the mind in moments of speaking. Control the mind in moments of action.
Also contained in
闹闹攘攘 、 骚闹 、 闹铃时钟 、 闹哄哄 、 热闹 、 闹心 、 闹肚子 、 闹忙 、 看热闹 、 闹翻天 、 吵闹声 、 又吵又闹 、 闹笑话 、 闹鬼 、 喧闹 、 闹洞房 、 闹剧 、 大闹天宫 、 闹腾 、 止闹按钮 、 大吵大闹 、 闹饥荒 、 闹事 、 无理取闹 、 闹糊糊 、 小打小闹 、 瞎闹 、 闹区 、 闹钟 、 闹别扭 、 五鬼闹判 、 闹场 、 闹猛 、 闹着玩儿 、 闹铃 、 一哭二闹三上吊 、 闹脾气 、 闹翻 、 闹贼 、 凑热闹 、 繁闹 、 闹情绪 、 闹市 、 瞧热闹 、 胡闹 、 吵闹 、 大闹 、 穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 27 Quotations from Chan Master Dahui Pujue 大慧普覺禪師語錄 — count: 14
- Scroll 25 Quotations from Chan Master Dahui Pujue 大慧普覺禪師語錄 — count: 7
- Scroll 26 Quotations from Chan Master Dahui Pujue 大慧普覺禪師語錄 — count: 7
- Scroll 15 Commentary on the Ten Abodes (Daśabhūmika-vibhāsā-śāstra) 十住毘婆沙論 — count: 7
- Scroll 1 Si Fen Lu Shan Fan Bu Que Xingshi Chao 四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔 — count: 7
- Scroll 16 Commentary on the Ten Abodes (Daśabhūmika-vibhāsā-śāstra) 十住毘婆沙論 — count: 6
- Scroll 4 Zhi Guan Fu Xing Chuan Hong Jue 止觀輔行傳弘決 — count: 6
- Scroll 1 Hong Zhi Chan Shi Guang Lu 宏智禪師廣錄 — count: 6
- Scroll 8 Hong Zhi Chan Shi Guang Lu 宏智禪師廣錄 — count: 6
- Scroll 9 Hong Zhi Chan Shi Guang Lu 宏智禪師廣錄 — count: 5
- 愦闹 (憒鬧) 遠離憒鬧 — Nyagrodha Brahmin Sutra (Nijutuo Fanzhi Jing) 尼拘陀梵, Scroll 1 — count: 81
- 闹乱 (鬧亂) 於鬧亂雜處不得持誦 — Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa (Dafangguang Pusa Zangwen Shu Shi Ligen Ben Yi Gui Jing) 大方廣菩薩藏文殊師利根本儀軌經, Scroll 2 — count: 29
- 闹处 (鬧處) 或在山窟離雜鬧處 — Trisamayarāja (Di Li Sanmei Ye Budong Zun Wei Nu Wang Shizhe Niansong Fa) 底哩三昧耶不動尊威怒王使者念誦法, Scroll 1 — count: 17
- 众闹 (眾鬧) 舉眾鬧亂 — Dharmaguputakavinaya (Si Fen Lu) 四分律, Scroll 36 — count: 17
- 諠闹 (諠鬧) 寂靜無諸諠鬧 — Guoqu Xianzai Yinguo Jing (Sūtra on Past and Present Causes and Effects) 過去現在因果經, Scroll 2 — count: 12
- 乱闹 (亂鬧) 應隨亂鬧處遮 — Dharmaguputakavinaya (Si Fen Lu) 四分律, Scroll 49 — count: 7
- 闹语 (鬧語) 少欲少事惡賤憒鬧語 — Commentary on the Ten Abodes (Daśabhūmika-vibhāsā-śāstra) 十住毘婆沙論, Scroll 15 — count: 6
- 恐闹 (恐鬧) 恐鬧亂眾僧 — Dharmaguputakavinaya (Si Fen Lu) 四分律, Scroll 36 — count: 5
- 自恣闹 (自恣鬧) 盡往大僧中說自恣鬧亂 — Dharmaguputakavinaya (Si Fen Lu) 四分律, Scroll 29 — count: 4
- 阓闹 (闠鬧) 若住闠鬧之處 — Subāhuparipṛcchā (Tantra Requested by Subāhu) 蘇婆呼童子請問經, Scroll 2 — count: 4