误 (誤) wù
verb to make a mistake; to miss
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 错过 (Guoyu '誤' v 3; Unihan '誤'; XHZD '误' 4, p. 798) -
to interfere; to hinder
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '誤'; XHZD '误' 2, p. 798) -
to harm
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 妨害 (Guoyu '誤' v 1; XHZD '误' 3, p. 798) -
a mistake
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 差错 (Guoyu '誤' n 1; XHZD '误' 1, p. 798) -
to be confused
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 迷惑 (Guoyu '誤' v 2) -
to make a mistake; vibhrama
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: vibhrama, Japanese: go (BCSD '誤', p. 1078; MW 'vibhrama'; Unihan '誤')
Contained in
- 人生二十笑 (二) 误会时洒脱一笑 展现人生的修为 分手时优雅一笑 展现人生的大气 生疏时亲切一笑 展现人生的随和 难堪时转念一笑 展现人生的睿智 羞愧时大方一笑 展现人生的率真 生病时达观一笑 展现人生的态度 苦恼时开怀一笑 展现人生的气度 紧张时天真一笑 展现人生的直率 受骗时开朗一笑 展现人生的坦荡 得意时含蓄一笑 展现人生的谦卑(人生二十笑 (二) 誤會時灑脫一笑 展現人生的修為 分手時優雅一笑 展現人生的大氣 生疏時親切一笑 展現人生的隨和 難堪時轉念一笑 展現人生的睿智 羞愧時大方一笑 展現人生的率真 生病時達觀一笑 展現人生的態度 苦惱時開懷一笑 展現人生的氣度 緊張時天真一笑 展現人生的直率 受騙時開朗一笑 展現人生的坦蕩 得意時含蓄一笑 展現人生的謙卑) Twenty Reasons to Laugh (2) A carefree smile in times of misunderstanding is a demonstration of one's deportment. An elegant smile in times of a breakup is a demonstration of one's manner. An amiable smile in times of estrangement is a demonstration of one's friendliness. A hopeful smile in times of sorrow is a demonstration of one's cleverness. A gracious smile in times of shame is a demonstration of one's ingenuousness. An optimistic smile in times of ailment is a demonstration of one's attitude. A happy smile in times of distress is a demonstration of one's comportment. An honest smile in times of nervousness is a demonstration of one's frankness. A warm smile in times of deceit is a demonstration of one's clear conscience. A reserved smile in times of triumph is a demonstration of one's humbleness.
- 十不要 不要把情绪挂在脸上 不要被苦恼佔据内心 不要让才华埋没土中 不要将烦忧带到床上 不要令误会影响友谊 不要任理想随意放弃 不要给是非增加困扰 不要将责任推给别人 不要让遗憾带进棺材 不要把仇恨记到明天(十不要 不要把情緒掛在臉上 不要被苦惱佔據內心 不要讓才華埋沒土中 不要將煩憂帶到床上 不要令誤會影响友誼 不要任理想隨意放棄 不要給是非增加困擾 不要將責任推給別人 不要讓遺憾帶進棺材 不要把仇恨記到明天) Ten Nevers Never show your feelings on your face. Never let troubles occupy your mind. Never let your talents be buried in the ground. Never take your worries to bed. Never let misunderstanding jeopardize friendships. Never give up on your dreams just like that. Never let gossip add to your troubles. Never shirk your responsibilities. Never take your regrets into the coffin. Never hold grudges till the next day.
- 1. 眼观四方 拓展视野 2. 耳听八面 察纳雅言 3. 头脑灵活 圆融世事 4. 知觉敏锐 减少错误 5. 古道热肠 广结人缘 6. 肝胆相照 获得情义(1. 眼觀四方 拓展視野 2. 耳聽八面 察納雅言 3. 頭腦靈活 圓融世事 4. 知覺敏銳 減少錯誤 5. 古道熱腸 廣結人緣 6. 肝膽相照 獲得情義) Be alert to your surroundings so as to broaden your vision. Remain aware to all sounds so as to embrace honest advice. Stay mentally agile so as to harmonize all matters. Keep your senses sharp so as to minimize mistakes. Be considerate and warmhearted so as to broadly develop good affinities. Watch out for your friends so as to win loyalty and friendship.
- 言说之巧(上) 疑人的事不可言说 蛊惑的事异端邪说 没有的事绝不妄说 他家的事不太好说 理亏的事不容分说 害人的事永远不说 错误的事不能传说 听来的事宁可莫说 感情的事无话可说 不实的事千万别说 尴尬的事羞对人说 误会的事就怕不说 街坊的事道听涂说 生气的事缓和再说 失误的事总会被说 道歉的事要自己说 纷诤的事再也不说 扫兴的事何必多说 劝诫的事看情况说 曾经的事好歹一说(言說之巧(上) 疑人的事不可言說 蠱惑的事異端邪說 沒有的事絕不妄說 他家的事不太好說 理虧的事不容分說 害人的事永遠不說 錯誤的事不能傳說 聽來的事寧可莫說 感情的事無話可說 不實的事千萬別說 尷尬的事羞對人說 誤會的事就怕不說 街坊的事道聽塗說 生氣的事緩和再說 失誤的事總會被說 道歉的事要自己說 紛諍的事再也不說 掃興的事何必多說 勸誡的事看情況說 曾經的事好歹一說) The Art of Talking (1) Do not speak about your doubts of others. Spells and bewitchment are heretical teachings. Do not mention something that is not true. It is not your place to talk about others' family matters. Needless to defend yourself when in a wrong position. Never say anything that may cause harm to people. Never spread unwholesome and detrimental news. It is better not to discuss mere hearsay. There is nothing to say about relationships. Never bring up anything that is not true. Hold back sharing your moments of embarrassment. Be sure to clarify your misunderstandings. Neighborhood rumors are just gossip. Think thrice before you speak out of anger. Mistakes are always being mentioned. Apologies should be said in person. Never speak again of past disputes. There is no need to mention what may dampen moods. Give your advice only according to circumstances. It does not hurt to mention past experiences.
Also contained in
误用 、 误入歧途 、 错误 、 违误 、 勘误 、 正误表 、 迷误 、 过误 、 误点 、 声旁错误 、 拼写错误 、 误工 、 讹误 、 脚误 、 误伤 、 差误 、 段错误 、 误事 、 误机 、 正误 、 偏误 、 两不误 、 贻误 、 误差 、 延误费 、 误打误撞 、 迟误 、 逻辑错误 、 误车 、 读音错误 、 误作 、 误写 、 磨刀不误砍柴工 、 误解 、 误杀 、 误植 、 误人子弟 、 延误 、 无误 、 误区 、 运行时错误 、 笔误 、 误判 、 耽误 、 舛误 、 勘误表 、 误会
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 2 Si Fen Lu Xingshi Chao Zi Chi Ji 四分律行事鈔資持記 — count: 80
- Scroll 8 Daśacakrakṣitigarbha (Dasheng Da Ji Dizang Shi Lun Jing) 大乘大集地藏十輪經 — count: 71
- Scroll 1 Si Fen Lu Xingshi Chao Zi Chi Ji 四分律行事鈔資持記 — count: 40
- Scroll 18 Zhen Yuan Era Catalog of Newly Authorized Buddhist Teachings (Zhen Yuan Xin Ding Shijiao Mulu) 貞元新定釋教目錄 — count: 38
- Scroll 10 Record of Buddhist Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Era 開元釋教錄 — count: 38
- Scroll 12 Record of Buddhist Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Era 開元釋教錄 — count: 31
- Scroll 31 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 27
- Scroll 16 Notes on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論記 — count: 27
- Scroll 84 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 23
- Scroll 3 Si Fen Lu Xingshi Chao Zi Chi Ji 四分律行事鈔資持記 — count: 22
- 误失 (誤失) 雖無上尊如來至真無有誤失闕漏之業 — Xin Sui Jing (Pravāraṇasūtra) 新歲經, Scroll 1 — count: 116
- 无有误 (無有誤) 雖無上尊如來至真無有誤失闕漏之業 — Xin Sui Jing (Pravāraṇasūtra) 新歲經, Scroll 1 — count: 12
- 箭误 (箭誤) 箭誤中睒胸 — Pusa Shan Zi Jing (Śyāmakajātakasūtra) 菩薩睒子經, Scroll 1 — count: 12
- 误中 (誤中) 誤中睒胸 — Sutra of the Collection of the Six Perfections (Liu Du Ji Jing) 六度集經, Scroll 5 — count: 11
- 忘误 (忘誤) 多喜忘誤 — Chu Yao Jing (Udānavarga) 出曜經, Scroll 7 — count: 9
- 误堕 (誤墮) 誤墮獵者手 — Sutra on the Deer Mother (Lu Mu Jing) 鹿母經, Scroll 1 — count: 8
- 误人 (誤人) 心者誤人 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 佛般泥洹經, Scroll 1 — count: 7
- 误入 (誤入) 誤入屠殺舍中 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 23 — count: 6
- 误犯 (誤犯) 設誤犯於微小罪者 — An Alternative Translation of the Saṃyukta Āgama (Saṁyukatāgamasūtra) 別譯雜阿含經, Scroll 8 — count: 5
- 欺误 (欺誤) 勞欲所欺誤 — Fo Ben Xing Jing (Buddhacarita) 佛本行經, Scroll 1 — count: 3